Friday, January 20, 2012

so she says.. part 2 today


When bedtime came, we started with the same routine we have followed since she was about 2 years old. Potty, brush your teeth, read books, and go to sleep. Well, at the age of 4.. my chica has decided that she doesn’t want to follow the every night routine. She wants to decide when she goes to bed but that is just not how it will work in out house.. So, tonight went as follows:

Mady, it is bed time. Go potty. She shuns me and hides under the pillow. Mady, please go potty. She doesn’t move. Mady I am going to ask you one more time nice and if you do not say yes mam, you will go to time out. So, will you please go potty and get ready for bed. Nothing. ok, time out..

Of course she cried as the world crumbles underneath her. Then Zak sits her down and explains to her that she is in timeout for not being a good listener and that doing what I say. Then she starts to respond. {while she is crying} but I am just a kid. Kids forget. It was an accident. I .. I.. I am just a kid.. and I love my toys. they are fun. It was an accident daddy. He begins to finish his talk with her:

{video coming in the a.m. .. this is the first video I have gotten of her crying while in trouble.. it might not be nice for me to video it but I have been wanting to for sometime now.. I just got the tail end of the video but here it is"}

Notice in the video she says “my mind is blocked” I have no idea where she got that from! It took everything for me not to laugh at that comment.. You probably see the the video shaking from me laughing.

Then, when she was done with time out, she went to Zak to say sorry. They had another little talk about being a good listener and she starts to explain to him that “I let Ozwald (her stuffed octopus) do what he wants to do. I am going to let my kids to what they want to do. I am just a kid Daddy”

She said sorry, then she found me and said sorry and she would try harder next time to be a big girl and do what I ask her to do. She is happy now, singing about the sunshine while she is brushing her teeth (yes, she sings even while she brushes her teeth)

These timeout have turned into such interesting conversations. She is so smart and says things that are so true.. but yet.. she is just a kid. ha.. she makes me laugh even when she is in trouble.



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