Friday, January 13, 2012

It’s a waiting game


Here it is 10:15 pm on a Friday night and we are spending the evening waiting. Waiting on “poo” Yes, I said it. I don’t like talking about poo but I must say one of the saddest things is to have a constipated chica. This is nothing new to us though. As a itty bitty she has always had a hard time pooping. She has been on miralax since I can remember. A daily dose keeps her going.

For the past 6ish months the miralax has not been needed. This was a point in which I hoped for. I have had an easy 6 months with her pooping all the time. {litterally.. she has days where she poops all day long.. we call her a “pooping machine”} Tonight, the lips help tigh straight across her face as she grunts. It is the same face from when she was a baby. She has always had a certin pooping face.

Starting around 6ish she said her tummy was hurting. Last weekend she threw up when her tummy hurt but she insist this time it is different. She just has to poop. She has been in a good mood, singing, dancing, and being her normal silly stuff and then boom her tummy hurts. She sits on the potty with just a little luck. This has been going on and off since 6. The later it gets the sader she gets.

While sitting on the potty {she sat there for a total of 30 mins at one point} I was talking to her asking her if she was sure she was ok. I have these flash backs of my sister going to the bathroom and puking all over the floor infront of her from spinning on a swing. The last thing I want is her to puke on the bathroom floor. I prefer trashcans. She looks at me and says: “I think I ate toooo much cheese” haha, I asked how she knew this and she responds “Bob Bob told me.. (pointing her finger up and down like no more monkeys jumping on the bed) If you eat too much cheese, it will be hard to poop”. I think she may be right but she didn’t have any crazy amount.. no more than usual.

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