Friday, January 27, 2012

School Update


I finally logged onto my School Portal. the site we get to see just how amazingly smart we are and how much they charge us to tell us how smart we are. I am smart still! 4.0 (I knew that I made all A’s but I never checked)

I have computers with the teacher that I had last quarter for psychology.. My thoughts will stay in my head for this one. or you can listen to me in person share how I feel about this class. She called me out in class last week. Said she had a few nerds in class but she wasn’t going to say their names. Then she paused, looked at me, and said my name.  ??  Ok.. Then she proceeds to tell me being a nerd is a good thing and I made straight A’s on every graded assignment/test in her class. No one else did that. well, thanks. I don’t mind being a nerd if it helps me graduate with a 4.0 in 6 more quarters. Not that I am counting down or anything.

Today, after learning the history of a pc and what a keyboard is.. (yea.. intro to computers is amazing let me tell you) We played a Jeopardy game. My ground had 3 people in it.. we were the last ones to finish BUT, we got the most points of course so we are the only people that will have 5 extra credit points for the end of the quarter. Yea, I’d like to take credit for winning the game since I know the teacher is thinking that we won because I was in the group but honestly. . . I didn’t listen to a word she said. After searching the computer for the games (that usually come on a computer.. like solitaire) and coming up empty.. I found the paint program. During the power point/lecture.. I made circles in class. Very pretty ones though, and I painted them different colors. Then I scribbled all over them and made a very artistic picture. I should have saved it, maybe printed it off.. So, Thank you girl that sits next to me with the cute purse. Although you did not listen either (yes, I saw you typing your homework for your other classes) you nailed the questions worth the most points. OH, and thank you dude that was in our group for knowing what all the abbreviations meant!

Dental Science is interesting. Preventive Dentistry is interesting as well. I have learned a ton of stuff so far. Common since that I already knew but didn’t understand what when why or how.. now, I know!


Just a few facts that you need to know if you have teeth and want to keep them..

1. Always brush at night. Floss first and then brush

2. If you are a mouth breather, you will have buildup on your teeth faster

3. Rinse your mouth with water after lunch and snacks if you do not have a toothbrush with you

4. Always brush in a circular motion for a minimum of 2 mins. Your gums are the most important part of your mouth. Without healthy gums, you will not have healthy teeth. Circular motion cleans your gums. Always stimulate your gums. Pink is the perfect gum color, red is not

5. Posture effects everything. Your big toe could hurt because you don’t sit up straight. Chest lifted, butt out, spine straight. It can effect everything you do for the rest of your life

Good thing I do all this anyways!

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