Thursday, January 19, 2012

I just want to be normal


We are still having tummy issues and it has been exactly one week. I can not tell if her tummy actually hurts or is just uncomfortable. I can tell you that it doesn’t feel great although she is fine. She does complain about her tummy almost every time she eats. I decided on Tuesday I would take her off Dairy products and see what happens. Not knowing why her tummy hurts, if she is constipated, or is dairy just isn’t settling with her. I thought about dairy because she eats a lot of dairy. A LOT. Milk, yogurt, cheese, yogurt, milk, and more cheese. Eggs (even though eggs are not actually dairy) Then she eats milk based products also. Dairy and Fruit are what I say her food intake is mostly made of. So, since Tuesday she has had only one serving of dairy. That was a quesadilla with cheese on it.

She seems to be ok not having dairy but she also has her moments. Like the time she looked at me and said “I just.. I just.. I just LOOVVEE chocolate milk”

Like the time she said “I will never eat too much cheese again. I will only eat 1 piece instead of 3 pieces”

Then there was the time she said “Mommy, I don’t like it when my tummy hurts. I just want to be normal again”

Oh, and the time she said “Mommy, why can’t I be like you and drink milk all day?” I said “I don’t drink milk all day, I drink water” She said “well, you love milk like I love milk and it makes my tummy hurt. I just need to poop”

or the time (tonight) that she said “I belly really hurts. I just need miralax. I don’t like it when it hurts. I just cant wait for it to not hurt anymore and I can eat food. I just love the food I love”

Yes, all these (and more) have come from her in the past week. I do not know why she is having tummy issues, I do not know what to do, all I know is she is not running a fever, she is silly and happy, and she is not throwing up. Her tummy hurt only when she eats food.. and it seems to be any food. She complains more when she is with me but I can see it in her eyes that she is not playing me. (unless she has learned “how” to play me) but she is to honest to actually do that I think.

Guess it is a waiting game?!

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