Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Twenty Twelve Year Goals





Read books this year. I read some last year but not enough. I want to read a minimum of 1 book a month not included text books. I already have my first book planned.. Just waiting on the sister to finish up and bring it to me.

Back on track with living healthy. This is an every year goal for myself (and most people) I have 7 months until my family goes to Hawaii and I want to wear a 2 piece bathing suite.. 7 months to loose 30 pounds.. (Id be fine with 20 but 30 would be my ultimate goal.

God. I want to live better, be better, believe better, act better, speak better, worship better.

Change. I want to clam down. Talk less. Walk instead of run. Listen more. Back up and wait. Let go of some control. Understand other ways, not just my way. Be more positive and encouraging to others and to myself. Go with the flow. Enjoy the moments {the little moments}. Not worry about things.

House. The house has got to be minimalized. We are overflowing with “stuff” and it is all stuff we do not need. Everything that doesn’t have a place, doesn’t need to be in my house. Change some colors in my house. Soft colors, Brighten up my house. Get rid of the dark dungy look we have seemed to carry with us since we were 18.

Confident. I am 26 although I do not look it. This makes me not feel it (sort of) I am a young mom. There are lots of young moms. The moms I end up around are all 10 years older than me. I need to be confident if I am going to be around these moms (private school moms are a little intimidating with their Dillard's misses style, mature talk, and cute short haircuts) I want to be that though, I am not going to lie.. I want to be a private school PTA mom. (happening soon!)

Spend more planned time with the little chica's. Kristen’s schedule and my schedule don’t match up often. We went from seeing each other daily.. to seeing each other 2 times a week. to now seeing each other maybe 2 times a month. {difficult.. I miss her} but I think I we plan times with the little chica's, it will be easier to get together. We will know it is coming so things on get in the way. I miss Pax and K

Planning. I am a planner. A to-do list daily kind of person. I have fallen into what I feel is wasted time. I want to plan my days, weeks, months better. I always mark things off my to-do list.. but I want to have a better plan for the list. Setting a specific day to do laundry (so it doesn’t pile up) A specific day to do nothing important and spend it with what is most important, my chica. Things like that. Time management. Accomplish more little things with my time.

Thankfulness: I already do a weekly good, bad, and thankfulness post (I try for weekly) but I read this article about being thankful. Keeping a notebook by your bed and before you go to bed, as in the last thing you do, write one or two things down that you are thankful for from that day. Even if you repeat yourself here and there, write it all down. You should sleep better, wake up better, and honestly I can see how it would make you live better. I started this yesterday night. Ill let you know how it goes.


After writing my goals, I came across this image.. it pretty much explains it perfectly! I am going to print it out{touch it up}, frame it, and read it every day! Good luck on your Twenty Twelve goals!



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