Monday, August 20, 2012

The day she turned 5



As you know from my last post, my chica boo is now a 5 year old. There is no chance of her being small again. There is the beautiful girl that no longer looks like a toddler, doesn’t have the round chubby baby face she once use to look at me with, her eyes no longer tell me that everything I do makes her the happiest girl in the world, and she no longer fits into just one of my arms as I carry her. She knows what she wants and I am not always doing right by her eyes. She states her opinion and tells me that she knows better than me. It takes both hands/arms to carry her and really I could use about 2 extra hands to help out. Her face is not chubby although her thighs still have some meat (thank goodness) that I can squeeze.


My point is, she is growing up… fast! We really struggled with what to get her this year. A chore chart was the for sure present but what else? She not only has everything but I buy her things during the year that she wants. I could not figure out the perfect gift. After talking and thinking and talking some more, we decided to take her to the toy store and let her pick out a present instead of us picking it out. It was perfect and she got exactly what she wanted! Lets skip backwards a few hours to when she first woke up:


Wake up Time!
Every year I take a photo of her sitting in the bed first thing in the morning on her birthday:


This year I wanted to do some cool birthday breakfast. I actually didn’t prepare for it the night before like I should have because I was out celebrating my best friend graduating from x-ray school! We did decorate the kitchen for her and she loved what I came up with to eat:

Birthday Pan-CAKE
(simple, just add food coloring to the batter and cook! Then I took a round cookie cutter to cut the size I was wanting/made them all even) She had 5 layers for being 5 years old)


Of course me being the mom I am and not wanting to waste perfectly good food, I ate the last picture that looks like a mess.. It was the ends to her cake .. they were just as good as any of the other pancakes! (Just not pretty)


Present Time:
Like I said, we were not sure what to get her but we did have a few little things for after breakfast. Beanie babies (from my moms garage, they use to be my sister’s and mine) and the chore chart! Which is amazing by the way. Thank you Mellissa and Doug for never disappointing us with your toys! After present time, her and dad played paper dolls.


Lets go shopping:
That is what we did. We headed out to Toysrus. Although she ended up wanting to go to target to get her present, it was nice walking around toysrus watching her try to make up her mind about what the best toy would be. Needless to say, it was a hard decision.

{proud parents of a 5 year old}

This is Jessica Ann, she is much much prettier in person

Lunch Time:
When we asked her what she wanted to do for lunch, she decided on pizza. A picnic at home with pizza, ranch, and a slushy. So that is exactly what we did!


As we were sitting there, I noticed something very odd. So odd that I just had to take a picture of it. She had blue eyes! Her eyes are normally green. They turn out brown in photos because of a brown starburst she has in the center of her pupils. Sometimes they are greener than other days and in person they are way greener than in a photo but today.. they were as blue as blue could be. As most babies she did have blue eyes when she was born but I have not seen her with blue eyes since she was around 2 years old. I didn’t have my good camera so unfortunately I did not capture how blue they were but this will give you an idea:


After lunch she wanted to play. Not with her toys though, she wanted to play in the sprinkler with her scuba gear that she got the day before from Grandbob.
Side Note: we have this bathing suit, it looked cute on the hanger.. it is not cute. She does not go anywhere in it.. but it being her birthday, I let her wear what she wanted.. it isn’t flattering, it doesn’t fit, it isn't a good color, and honestly I have no idea why I didn’t just get ride of it. But, it was her birthday so what can I do?


Ice Cream Truck:
the annoying ice-cream truck was running late in the neighborhood. {I wish it would just stop coming in the neighborhood, at least it is back down to just once a day} When Zak and Mady heard it, they ran out there like it is the coolest thing in the world. I personally think the guy that drives it is a creep, they have overpriced ice-cream, and the snow cones are the worse snow cones (prepackaged too) every. I do not waste my money on that ice cream truck. It was her birthday though, so they ran out there.



The day came to an end, to be followed by a big day of meeting her new teacher. So we snapped a few last minute birthday pictures before little chica’s 5th birthday ended.

First day of the chore chart


1 comment:

  1. I love her pretty pink swimming gets my cock hard
