Tuesday, August 7, 2012

opinion #1


By now, everyone has heard about the Chick-fil-a hooha. Yes, it is a bunch of hooooha. I am tired of it. So what if the man said he doesn’t support same sex marriage. He never said he wouldn’t serve them, he never said he wouldn’t employ them. (at least, not what I heard/read and if I am wrong on any of this, please let me know)

I say go for it. If a man loves a man or a women loves a women.. go for it! Love is love.. and as a Christian, we are not to judge. That is God’s “duty” if you will. If they will be judged for it, then allow them to be judge by God.. not by you or me or anyone else.

Honestly, I am sure there are tons of same sex relationships that are more loving, God filled, honest, loyal, and overall better than some of the relationships between a man and a women.

As for Chick-fil-a. I think it was stupid to have a support chick-fil-a day. All the people that took the time our of their day to support him!? Are you kidding? If you support him, and I say him because I do not believe that all the employees there believe the exact same thing that he believes, but if you support him for stating what he believes in than awesome… nothing wrong with that, but to the ones that support him for stating an opinion about same sex marriage because that is what the bible says and you believe in the bible and are a Christian and you too think it is wrong, well.. mainly if you support him just because you are a Christian.. then how about all of you that showed up that Wednesday go to the local food bank or on a mission trip and actually show that you believe and live by God’s word. How about you take the time out of your day to help the homeless. Can you imagine what could be done is the amount of people that showed up to chick fil a that day showed up someplace where they are needed. Or donated the amount the spent on food to someplace that needs it. THAT is what being a Christian is about, not about waiting till one person speaks their mind, making a big deal about it, coming up with some stupid support chick fil a day, and then wasting time going to a place to eat that you can eat at any day (but Sunday). I guess they got me too though, cause hear I am talking about it.. although it is the first time I have stated my opinion to anyone.

All it did for chick-fil-a was make them money. Money that could go towards something or something in need. Money that could make a difference. Did that Wednesday make a difference in the world? The only thing it did was make people want the chicken. I do believe the man has the right to say what he believes in 100% .. that is NOT the problem at all. I don’t believe that the people who boycotted it because of HIS opinion is right.. he is one man, the employees all over the USA do not need to be judged because they work there, just as the people who are gay that eat there.

I did see a letter from a gay man stating that he would continue to eat there. That it didn’t bother him that the man gave his opinion because, he too has an opinion about things. That it didn’t make a difference in his world/relationship/life what that man, or 1,000 other people thought. Although he wants to marry the love of his life (being another man) and he can’t in the state (in the south) he currently is in, he would continue his life living it for God not judging. He would continue to try to uplift and give the persona of a Gay man a better name than the ones out there that are self righteous and think that the world owes them or is out to get them. He lives in the south and although has many run ins with situations, he would continue to support his beliefs while allowing others to support their own.

Soo, to the people (Gay or not) out there.. get over it. People are going to hate you for many reasons. Female/Male.. Color.. Religion.. Relationship.. Size.. Color of your hair.. the list goes on and on and on. Just move on in life. Eat the chicken or not.. doesn’t matter, live your life believing what you believe, doing what you do, and being who you are.. just try to make a difference in the world by being the best person you can be for God (or for yourself) and grow up people.. Just grow up..


I say, love is love and keep on loving!

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