Friday, August 24, 2012

and so she says


Something I have noticed/learned/caught on to/been amazed by while being a mom is how often our children my chica changes. I am not talking about looks because her looks are not noticeable on a daily basis the way her personality or vocabulary is. The past 2 weeks have been busy but one thing I have noticed is her new sayings. She has always had a saying or two that she holds on to or uses for a short time period. Remember whens he would say “ssyea”? Goodness she was little when she started that.


Like I was saying, the past 2 weeks she has changed up her “sayings”

1- I know, right?  yes, she does get this from Z and myself. We both say it very often (me more than him I am sure) but it is so funny to hear her say it. Example:

Me- Mady, look at Denver in his dog house
Mady- aww, he is so cute, he loves his dog house
Me- it’s so funny how he flips it over and lays in it
Mady- I know, right?

Mady- mom, watch my handstand
Me- wow! You are getting so good at it
Mady- I know, right?

Mady- it is starting to be fall, did you know that?
Me- yea. its getting to be cool in the mornings.. at least the car wont be hot anymore
Mady- I know, right?


2- I’m just different.  This is used as an excuse of how she does things. Example:

Me- Mady you need to eat your dinner instead of playing with it
Mady- I am. I just like to play too
Me- but your not supposed to play with your food. Food is for eating
Mady- I know mom. But I’m just different

Me- Do you like school?
Mady- yes.
Me- are you learning things?
Mady- no, I already know it all
Me- well if you already know it all, at least you are practicing to get better at it
Mady- yea but sometimes I like to do things my way
Me- what do you mean?
Mady- like spelling. you know.. I like to spell things my way cause I’m just different


3- You just don’t understand.. Also known as.. No one understands me.. used when she isn’t getting her way or we are talking about two different things

4- That’s just the way the world is. Example

Me: oh my goodness, this red-light is taking forever
Mady: mom, you know.. that’s just he way the world is

Me: I sure wish you would listen and do what I ask the first time
Mady: yea but.. that’s just the way the world is

Me: bummer, Dad won’t be home for dinner
Mady: aww man. I was wanting to eat dinner with him
Me: I know, me too
Mady: I guess that’s just the way the world is


and the newest.. which she has only said maybe 5 times in the past 2 weeks..

OH SHOOT.  I am not sure where she picked this up. It isn’t something I say all the time because I say bummer. I know I have said it though. She uses is correctly but I don’t really like hearing her say it. It could be because, well, lets face it.. it is a polite way of saying oh shit.. and I don’t want her saying that, so maybe in my head I hear it in a non polite way.. I am corrected her and said.. maybe you should say what you use to say.. “aww man” or say “bummer” but I didn’t really give much attention to it thinking hoping it wouldn’t be catchy and stick. As of right now, I don’t think it will stick with her.




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