Monday, August 20, 2012

Pre K update



Remember this post? Well, as of today, it has officially been 1 week since we met her teacher. (tomorrow marking the one weeks since she started school and marking the one week I cried because .. well, because she is growing up)


So, as of right now, she loves it! I must say, this doesn’t surprise me. Last week the letter of the week was I. This week it is U. The learn about things that start with that letter, they learn and practice how to write the letter (which she says can be boring because she already knows, but.. practice makes perfect and she will keep practicing) They read stories, sing songs, play on the playground, and have snack every day. Speaking of snack..

Me: so, what did you have for snack today?
Mady: Oh, it was those yucky gold fish.. Buuut, I tried them ::insert eye roll:: and you know. They were pretty good I’d say.
Me: what goldfish are you talking about?
Mady: oh you know. The colored ones. I mean, why do they have to go an put color on food. It if fine like it is. They were good though. They were green, red, you know.. THOSE
Me: oh! yea.. I know what your talking about.
Mady: did you know they are good?
Me: no.. I had no idea. I don’t really ever eat goldfish
Mady: well see mom, you can learn things from me if you would just listen


Remember how in this post I told you about Mady being upset because other kids wouldn’t listen? Yea, that is still going on! At dance class, a little girl in her class at school is also in her class at dance. Actually the little girl sits across from Mady. Her mom was telling me how they play together and how they are both quite and shy and listen to the teacher. Then she tells me about another little boy that was “uncontrollable” today. (ironic this is this little boy’s name is the same name as the little boy in her preschool class last year that was “uncontrollable”. So although I am not telling you the name of the little boy out of respect for other kids and parents, note that I will never name my child or allow my friends/family to name their child the same name as the “uncontrollable” boys. Anyways, I asked Mady about the little boy today and what all happen. So she tells me

Mady: oh yea, he wasn’t very good today.
Me: what happen? What did he do
Mady: he screamed at the teacher lots of times. He scratched a girl. He wouldn’t listen. He cried all day long.
Me: oh no. What did your teacher do?
Mady: she made him go from green to yellow to red. Then she wrote a letter to his mom and dad and she even had to call his dad so he could talk to him… and if he ripped something, his dad would come and get him and have to spank him
Me: your teacher told him that in front of the class?
Mady: yea, cause he was talking to his dad. But he calmed down. then it was time to go play and he screamed at her again and then he calmed down
Me: yikes.. well, if I were you.. I would stick to being friends with the little kids that are like you. The ones that listen and do what they are told. The ones that are quite and stay on green. I wouldn’t be friends with a person that scratches or misbehaves like that.
Mady: yea. I am friends with the girls that are good. You know what though, just because your friend does something doesn’t mean you have to. We read Adam and Eve and learned that you don’t have to do what everyone else is doing.

Goodness, who are the parents of these kids? I really don’t understand how a child thinks it is ok to act that way to another adult. A teacher. or just period how it is allowed. It has to be allowed in the home for a child to be confident in acting like that else where. I am not judging, I do not have a clue what that child or family is going through.. Maybe the little dude just needs a hug.. but with my child in that class.. I hate that she has to “deal” with it


On a good note: Mady loves it! Drop off is great. Her going half a day is perfect. While I do still have questions and concerns of is this the right place for her to be in this year, or what is she going to learn and believe from a religious point of view, or how is our beliefs in religious and other people and the world going to differ with what she is being taught at school, or do they handle things the way I would handle them, My list goes on.. I am ok with where she is at. I have met some nice people and I truly think her teacher (being only a week in so this is always subject to change) is perfect for my chica. I am looking at this with open eyes, ears, and an open heart. I will do my best to embrace Mady and her school, be involved with her school, and encourage her to learn what she is being taught. I can not say if she will stay there next year. My plan from the beginning was for her to only be there for preK 4. So Z and I could make some big decisions about life in the next year before we have to decide where she starts K and continues her schooling. Right now, for us in this moment, the school feels right (for the most part) and I am sure I will have questions and concerns but I also think that would come from any school/students/teachings that she goes to.

It is weird being a parent of a “school child” or of a “student” . It isn’t anything like the past 4 years even while she was in preschool. She was still small, it was easy, it was mine and Z’s way 24/7. No worries, no doubts.. Now.. well now it has all changed and it makes me feel.. weird.. and slightly excited. All in all, I am HaPpY. I enjoy hearing about her day (what little of it I can pull out of her) and I see that she loves it. If nothing comes from this year (how could she not learn something though?) at least the experience of school, car lines, other kids that are not well behaved and the ones that are well behaved, sitting and doing work, following directions, and not all play, will be enough for me. {UNTIL NEXT YEAR} This is going to be one interesting year!


Side Note: I do want to say that just because Mady’s view on what happens in class or with the teacher or any other child doesn’t mean that is exactly what happen. I am in no way putting the teacher or other children on blast for how they act. I am just simply stating what Mady has told me.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it so interesting-the viewpoint of a child? I really think children are some of the wisest human beings on the planet. They see things in a simplistic form and in turn understand things in their simplest. I am always so fascinated with how children think and what they say. Congrats to Mady on week 1 down! She’ll do great, I’m sure.
