Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Day {part 2}


Guess what?!?! I made it the 3 hours and 20 mins today. I’m not going to lie, it was long! They sent home the schedule of the kids day so while I am sitting at home looking at the time every 20 mins, I knew exactly what she was doing. This helped a lot! I managed to occupy my time by cleaning out her closet (for the most part) and picking up the kitchen. Tomorrow should be easier. At least I hope, because I have some major homework to do that is due on Thursday. Really though, tomorrow should be fine.

You know when I was worried that no one took her to her class room after I dropped her off? There is a line inside that the kids sit on until the person comes to get a handful of kids at a time and leads them to the class. I saw her sitting on the line when I picked her up today. Lucky me, her teacher is the car rider lady sooo, I got to talk with her teacher about her first day, unlike most parents. (thank you God for another moment of calmness and reassuring) Her teacher said she had a wonderful first day. That she is so sweet and very well mannered. Then she looked at me and said, “really.. she is very well mannered.” That a girl Mady!!! Go Momma! Go Daddy! I knew we were doing something right. Honestly I already knew what she told me but it is always great to hear that from another person. Especially a teacher who has to deal with kids all day long.

If you know Mady, and you have read my post before, you know she isn’t one to really elaborate on her day. Mainly school days she seems to keep to her self. This is how it has been from the first day of school when she was 3 years old. Now, 2 years later.. it is still like that. I can’t ask what did you do or learn today because she will reply.. umm, I forgot. or I don’t want to tell you right now. I think it is her grown up/personal/only thing that is hers and her mom can’t chime in on everything and anything about it. I have always let her keep it to herself only asking, “tell me the funniest thing, the best thing, the most fun thing, and the thing that you didn’t like” this way I get let in a little bit but she doesn’t have to give me every detail of every day . It seems to be our compromise and sometimes I get more when I back off with the questions right when I pick her up.

Today was just the same as any other day when I picked her up. She did get in the car with a big smile. I did see her smiling and what appeared to be talking to a child next to her on the line inside. So, as I know you are wanting me to stop blah blahing and tell you what she said about her first day, here it is:

Me- how was your day?
Mady- it was good
Me- awesome! I knew you would have a good day
Mady- yea, except some kids didn’t listen very good
Me- oh, that’s a bummer, did you listen good
Mady- well yea


They learned about the letter “I” today. She glued beans to a print out of the letter “I” and also colored an inch worm that starts with the letter “I”. She also said (which I am unsure of what she is talking about but I figured I’d document it for the future) that she thinks she knows what the word is going to spell. It will spell Ice-cream because Ice-cream starts with I but they only got one letter today because it was the first day. I assume they are spelling a word and each day get a new letter?! If she gets this right, she may be a crossword genius right?!

(before bed a few mins ago)

Me- so, did you learn anything today? Did your teacher teach you anything?
Mady- actually I did learn something today. I learned that Indian starts with the letter “I” and I didn’t know that. So yea, I learned.


she sits next to a girl named Sydney. She doesn’t remember the name of the girl that sits across from her or on the other side of her. She and Sydney did talk at the table.

She told me that no one would play with her on the playground and she even asked kids to play with her
(I explained that it takes a little while to make friends) She fell off the seesaw today. She said that the other kids didn’t know she was getting off and she fell off. This was after I asked her what happen to her knee. The moment I let her out of the people I know and trust, she goes and scrapes her knee up. (not that I really care because that’s part of being a kid) She didn’t cry though and she didn’t even have to shake her knee to make it feel better. (we shake our pain away)

(before bed a few mins ago)

Mady- Sydney is bigger than me.
Me- oh yea? like older or taller?
Mady- I am not really sure
Me- what makes you say she is bigger than you?
Mady- she can push her self on the swing
Me- OH, well how do you know that?
Mady- because I asked her if she wanted to learn how and she said she already knew how. She did it anyways with me
Me- she did the swings with you?
Mady- yea
Me- awww, that was nice. So you did play with someone today
Mady- well, not like a lot but on the swings we did

Mady- another girl gave me sea shells
Me- oh yea? That is really nice
Mady- That china girl, she sits on the corner of that one table, ya know?
Me- no, I don’t know.
Mady- yea, like I sit here and she sits on this table on the end
Me- oh, ok
Mady- she didn’t already have them but she got them off the playground. I didn’t want them so I gave them to the other teacher. I think that girl was nice


Her teacher seemed nice when I met her the other night. Like I said, her teacher is in charge of carline for mornings and afternoons so I get to see/talk to her. She seems really nice then too. I asked Mady if she liked her teacher and she said “yea, I do, she is pretty, and I think she likes me too”

If you ask her how her day was she responds with “ok” when you ask her why ok? What could make it better? She responds with “it would be a great day if the other kids would listen but they will never listen” I feel like I should say, welcome to the real world.. where kids don’t listen, disobey, and are rude. other than her of course.. haha. I am sure there are a few kids in her class that are raised with respect and manners, or at least I hope so.

So, like I said.. tomorrow should be easier. I wont be on here telling you of my “mom moments” because I will be having “student moments” doing homework or “wife moments” cleaning house.

Thank you for the prayers, thoughts, and checking on how her day went. It was nice getting those text during the day asking how she did. Yall mean a lot to me! (some of yall don’t read this often but when you do, thank you for asking without knowing how my morning went)

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