Monday, August 20, 2012

Dance on Little One





Dance class started back today! WHOO HOO.. I had some major problems trying to figure out what class to put her in and what times I was able to take her. I actually worked with the head lady (for privacy reasons, I am not putting names) a few days trying to figure out what would be best. I wanted her to be away from certain “situations” that evolved from her other dance class but what they had available wasn’t fitting right.


After some twisting and turning. Some this and that. We finally decided on a class, which I then later decided wasn’t good and switched her to this class she did tonight. BTJ = Ballet, Tap, Jazz (yes, she wanted to do ballet, tap, and tumble.. but again.. I was trying to leave a certain “situation” so that class was not an option for us this time. I also was trying to keep her with the same amazing wonderful teacher, that too wasn’t working out. So the class she did tonight was BTJ with a new teacher. A teacher I have heard many many wonderful things about year after year. This thing was it was a 3/4 year old class. My chica just turned 5 years old. BUT at the time it was only 4 year olds in the class. As for tonight, the final count, three 3 year olds, four 4 year olds, and my 5 year old. She loved class though. Did amazing, of course, and had a girl from school (sits right across from her in class) that was in the same BTJ class. This was great because this little girl is a lot like Mady in the quite and clam areas. I also got to meet/get to know the mom. After class, “head lady” and teacher came up to me and said they wanted to switch her to a more advance class. I figured this would happen. (which is a great thing) they want her in the L3 class. (it isn’t all level 3ish like you would think, I watched the kids before Mady’s class.. I think it is just kids that know what they are doing) plus it is 5/6 class. So, next week that is where we will be. Once again, switching classes.. I hope it works out great because Mady is LOVING dance. Tonight she seemed to really show off and enjoy it. This might just be her forte after all!

AND NOW, for her Bedtime Interpretive Dance:

dancing chica

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