Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I have never really enjoyed Thanksgiving. The food never really satisfied me, nothing important going on, fell on my Birthday sometimes, and so on. It wasn't bad though, I enjoyed going to both my Grandparents house, getting together with all my cousins, spending the day as a young irresponsible child.. but then that faded out. Now 4th of July! THAT is my holiday! Ribs, baked beans, the beach, fireworks, warm sunny weather, loving the USA.. yes, that is still my favorite holiday..

Back to Thanksgiving. I never called it one of my favorites until I met my Husband. It isn't because I spend Thanksgiving with his family, but I think he made me appreciate the moments in Thanksgiving. I now love Thanksgiving with my family just as much as I love it with his family. I enjoy the food, because my now husband has introduced me to sooo many different foods, I now get what it means to want to be with your family and this occurred even before Mady was in the picture, I now understand and cherish the moments I spend at my Mom's house with the peace and quite and the moments at the in laws with tons of people and everyone talking/playing games.

This brings me to Thanksgiving 2011.. spent at the In-laws. Actually we have Thanksgiving at my sister in-law's house. Thanks Daris for letting us gather and then destroy your house every year holiday.  :)  The in-laws are wonderful wonderful wonderful people. If it were not for such an amazing family, I can not honestly say I would be married to Zak. Kind of kidding but kind of not. I can not imagine, and I know it would never have happened, being with a guy who's mom I could not stand, who's dad was a jerk and who's family did nothing but talk about each other.   Family is important to me. Family is a reflection of who a person is, how they grew up, how they will treat me, and how they will raise my children. Lets just say, Zak's family passed with flying colors! Check out some of these amazing people! Christmas time I am going to do a better job at getting every one's picture because there are sooo many amazing people missing below! I was too busy enjoying the moments and forgot about the camera. (It's a good thing though!)

We had a ton of food. I mean a ton. Just think around 17 of us each bring at least one dish.. I should have taken a picture of my plate.. wait, of Josh's plate! omg.. it makes my stomach hurt thinking about his mound of food hanging on to each other trying not to fall off the sides of the plate. nom nom nom says Josh..

This year, like every year, we had a kids table.. The kids table is for 30 years and younger. Below is the adult table and the kids table.

After dinner it was time for a surprise. A surprise from Daris, to her brother, sister, and son. The reaction of the brother and sister is priceless! The top left picture is before they say the surprise but when they knew that had one. See it on Josh's face.. wondering.. what could this surprise be that my Mom would choose to get us? Could it be something useful? Maybe it is a....   I don't know if he was really thinking that but he always answers in long drawn out sentences about anything and everything.. so that would be my guess on what his thoughts were at the moment before the surprise. The picture on the bottom right is brother and sister when the surprise is giving.   p.s. the surprise is creepy crawlers, which by the way is so highteck and updated now it is crazy. What happen to the trays, liquid, and the little oven thing?

All in all I have to say this was one of the best Thanksgivings ever. At my Mom's house and at the Sister in law's house! Thanksgiving 2011, you rocked!

p.s. the only bad thing I can now come up with about Thanksgiving is;
 it is the season of pale white skin. (for me at least)
Oh how I look forward to the summer sun burning me!  :)

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