Sunday, December 4, 2011

and so she says (and some random blogging)

I am not sure how I feel about this "and so she says" post.. read on and you will understand

Mady asked me to do something for her while I was in the middle of homework. I asked her to hold just 2 minutes and I would stop doing homework until she went to bed. Then my sweet little chica says this..

Mady: if you don't do it now, I'll break your arm

me: :::shocked.. staring at her::::  what? what did you just say?

Mady: if you don't do it now, I'll break your arm (with a little more attitude and head shake)

me: :::shocked.. still staring at her with wide eyes I am sure::: what? why would you say that? Where did you learn that from?

Mady: at preschool

me: ::shocked.. still staring at her, eyes wide open, shocked, not sure to get on to her or what to do::: umm, if that is what you are learning at preschool, maybe you shouldn't be going.. did you hear that from the boys? Is it little boys that say that? Girls don't say that do they? You learned that at preschool?

Mady: yes, the boy said it. It is funny

me:  no, not funny. Actually it is mean. It isn't nice. No one should say that. You don't want to hurt people you love do you?

Mady: ok. I'm sorry mommy

A few hours later, I am telling Zak what she said, with her sitting there..

Zak: :::shocked.. starting at her::: Mady. You don't want to break Mommy's arm do you? That isn't nice

Mady: but daddy, you can't really break a person's arm. It doesn't actually come off their body

Zak: ::a small smile from the previous comment and her train of thought:: well right, but you can break the bones in your body. That is called a threat. When you tell someone you are going to do something to them that will hurt them. That is a threat.

Mady: what happens if you break a bone? Does it grow back?

and the conversation goes into a totally different topic about bones, muscle, and the rest of anatomy..

This bring me to the realization of:

I can't keep her little. I don't let her watch much tv. If it isn't a learning show, she doesn't watch it. She doesn't watch any tv channels that have commercials. (commercial free tv: nick jr, disney jr, pbs kids) we actually don't even have cable now.. we have netflix.. so curious george, wonderpets, dora, and so one..

I don't want her to grow up and learn things like that. Just that saying hurt my heart. She is so Innocent. A beautiful sweet Innocent baby girl. OMG. I want her to go to an all girls school with kids who have parents that parent just like I do. I am going to break you arm.. WHAT? Plus, about 2 weeks ago she started hitting. Hitting to test us on how far she can go with being mean? Out of aggravation, anger, not getting her way.. she also does it in a playful way kinda of but she goes to time out regardless of the situation. That is going to get Xed out fast! No hitting.. no breaking people's arms, no saying mean and ugly things that a pretty nice little girl should not be saying.

Reality.. I have to let my chica experience this world. This world that scares me. It doesn't make sense what our society teaches kids, teens, and even each other. Out children are our future and if my sweet 4 year old is saying something like that.. Think about the other kids with bad role models in their life. It hurts my heart to think about other kids with parents that suck. It hurts my heart to think about what other kids see and experience in their own homes. I want to hold my chica close.. close to me.. never let her go. I don't want her to experience the world. Experience life, yes... learn and grow, yes... have fun with no worries, yes.. but experience the world? The horrible side of the world... no, no, no..  I don't want her to see the things that I know she is going to see, to understand the things I know she will learn way to young, to do and say things that a little girl should not say or do.

Random blogging thoughts:

This confirms that I am right about sending her to school a year later. Even though she is ready, even though being at the same school but for preK she will still learn from other kids the "bad" things.. I know that having that extra year of being little will allow me to instill a few more of my morals into her before she becomes to "grown up" on me.  Also, she will be going to college at the age of 19 instead of 18. That extra year of maturity. It will make a difference, I have been there.. at those ages.. I am so glad Zak and I decided to let her enjoy life before school for another year.

It also confirms that I am a wonderful mother. This is something I have never ever doubted since the day I knew I was having a baby. Honestly, I don't want to sound all stuck up but I really am a wonderful mom. I knew I would be.. I love how I parent. I love how Zak's parents. I am sure one day I will have my moments of "oh did I do this right? Could I have done this different? I should have done a better job at this" but for now.. as for a mom of a 4 year old. I am amazing at it. I would die if I ever found out my chica taught another child to say something so mean though! I would just die!

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