Thursday, December 15, 2011

We had the talk

For the past week or so, Mady has been going on and on about getting married and being a mommy. She is always saying "I am going to marry you Mommy.. I am going to marry Josh.. I am going to marry Gumps.." She wants to marry everyone. So I decided that it was time to sit her down and have the talk with her..

yes, the talk

for the ones that think I am crazy, I have to say.. she isn't too young to know the truth right? Don't you think she should know what she can and can not do.. As for the talk I am not talking about the birds and the bees.. I am talking about the shattering/heart breaking/dream crushing truth that she can not marry her family members. I mean, this is 2011 and we do live in TN, so I know some would argue about not being able to marry their family members. Anyways, so I sit her down and this is our convo:

Me: You know Mady. You can't marry your family. You can't marry your cousin, your grandpas, your uncles, or your daddy

Mady: can I marry you?

Me: no, not even me

Mady: well that would be silly if I wanted to marry a girl though.
(this is an entirely different talk down the road)

Me: to have a husband you first have find a friend. yall have to be best friends. Then you will fall in love with him. Then and only then, can you marry him.

Mady: so like Mason

Me: well, Mason isn't family.. so yes maybe Mason

Mady: he already is my best friend sometimes


Mady: and you know what Mommy, I love Mason already!

Me: well, I think you need to be friends for a very very long time before you Marry him

Mady: and you know what is silly.. he already kissed me when I was 3. Now I am 4. So maybe he loves me even more.

Me: I am sure Mason loves you Mady but like I said, yall need to be friends for a very very long time

Mady: Mommy, I still wish I could marry you so that I can be with you forever.

Me: you don't have to marry me to be with my forever

Mady: but when I get married I will have my own house.

Me: maybe you can live next door to me and I can come over for dinner

Mady: Noo. Daughters don't cook dinner for their Mommy. You can cook me dinner though

Me: Well, daughters do cook dinner for their Mommy but I will cook you dinner too

Mady: talking about dinner makes me hungry. Can I have a snack?

These are just the most recent pictures of Mason and Mady that I could find.

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