Monday, December 26, 2011

She passed 2nd grade English!

I have not really bragged about how smart my chica really is. I figure the people that know her.. I mean really know her, understand her genuineness. They are the people that really matter when it comes to that but today is a little different. I have to brag!

Christmas Eve 2011
Chica passes 2nd grade Math
Remind you, she is only 4 years old

While we are in a car, we usually play the game "Can you find the letter (insert letter)"
On this day, I think she got bored with the letter game. Instead it was "what does (insert letters) spell?"
So across the street is Aaron's.  The rental place for I guess everything.. I have never been in there. After asking me what it spells, she asked why it had the little mark before the S. So, being the awesome teaching mother that I am.. so I like to pretend to take the credit for all her smartness I explain to her that it shows possession. I explained that if it is 's that means something belongs to it. I then gave an example. We are going to Daris' house (in her head.. she thought 's.. I didn't explain if something ends in S) anyways. I told her that the house belongs to Daris. Then I gave her another sentence. Grandbob's guitars are loud. She tells me the guitars belong to Grandbob. Next sentence. Kristen's puppy plays outside. She tells me the puppy belongs to Kristen. She tells me this stuff with out any help or provocation (word?? provocation??) We go over sentence after sentence and she gets it. She really really honestly truly understands it. 

This was a bind blowing moment for me. She concepts things so easy. I know she is smart. I know her memory is brilliant. I know her thought process is amazing.. She is smart, brilliant, and amazing. It makes me wonder how easy school may come to her. I struggled with everything in school Spelling; yea, wait for my next post about the words I sill can not spell at the age of 26. Just in this post I have 26 misspelled words.  Math; anything above multiplication and adding.. I am clueless. I can't even use a calculator because I don't know the formula. (Oh crap.. I have math this coming quarter. I am screwed!!)  History; ha. that is a joke! Remembering the damn dates and people's names.. ugh! Brain overload. I still don't think I could name 10 presidents. Important dates like World War I and II, I have no idea.  I don't even know who we were in battle with.

Pretty much what I am saying is that my 4 year old is on the same smart level as I am. Heck, this girl could probably do my homework for me. This is a blessing though. I am jealous of her smart little brain but I'd rather her have it than me. Now, say a little prayer that she gets into the right school that will increase her smartness, challenge her knowledge, and encourage her to succeed. It is in God's hands that she is in the right school but prayers always help!!


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