Friday, November 11, 2011

and so she says

November 2011

as my chica and I are driving around trying to figure out where to eat..

me: Mady.. where do you want to eat?

Mady: (looking out the car window) What is that place?

me: long john silvers

Mady: lets eat there

me: no, Im not a fan of that place

Mady: Mommy!! What about five men

me: you mean five guys?

Mady: yes. five guys

me: no..

Mady: your not a fan of that one either?

me: haha, I like it, just not in the mood for it

Mady: you are never in the mood for it


while walking into preschool

me: I am not sure who is picking you up today. It will be NuNu or I

Mady: why

me: I have a meeting to go to so I am not sure if I will be done in time but it will either be NuNu or I

Mady: but you will figure it out right?

me: ha, yes.. don't worry


while combing her hair after a bath

Mady: when I take swimming lessons will there be other kids there?

me: yes

Mady: oh man.. I don't want other kids to be there

me: oh, well there will be

Mady: like kids I don't know?

me: yes, but then you could make more friends, meeting new people means you make more friends..
even best friends!

Mady: but Mommy, Pax is my best friend... of course..

me: you can have more than one best friend

Mady: like Mason? I like Mason

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