Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Isn’t it funny?


I have always heard people say that it drives them crazy when others give their opinion about how to raise a child or what to do with a child when they don’t have a child of their own. This has never bothered me. I just take what they say, process it (because it could be something I have never thought about) and then ignore it if they are just ignorant ideas.

Up until recently, this really had never bothered me. It bothered me more to hear people say how it drove them crazy. Now, NOW, I slightly understand.

I have my opinions and choices on how I raise Mady. As you know, I have had a really hard time figuring out the school situation and where to raise Mady at. It has honestly been the hardest decision for me. I am not one to really question my decisions once they are made but this I questioned. (Along with everything else during that time of my life)

People are ignorant.

Just because this person “heard” of a situation by a “close friend” about that school. OR, the negatives of doing this or that with Mady.. DOESN’T mean it isn’t the right thing for my family. Yes there are pros… and cons.. to EVERY situation. To every decision. Don’t you think I have thought about them. I have heard everything you are going to tell me PLUS some.. lots more than just some. I have heard all the bad about this school and that school.. Why this school is better than that school. Not every decision is based on the experience of others. Not every decision is based on the thoughts and ideas of others. My decision to send her to school here or there is really not anyone’s “problem” except mine.

It has begun. I just realized after typing that paragraph that the world has begun it’s judging. Why do people have to stereotype or judge you? I mean, if I sent her to that school we would have been looked at as the “stuck up type”.. or if it was the other school it would have been the “to Christian type”.. what about another school? oh, then we would have been the “trying to be better than everyone else” type. REALLY PEOPLE.. How about we are the type that wants to make the right decisions and the best decisions for our family. REGARDLESS of where we live, where she goes to school, where we work, what I go to school for, and who my friends/family is. Regardless of what you think would be the right decision for you in the moment I am currently in. How about GOD loves us and so should you?!

Funny thing: these opinions have all come from people WITHOUT kids. opinions based on if they have kids. I understand.. I was there at one point too. When I have a baby, I wont use a pacy.. (HA.. that didn’t work out so well. Mady had it until she was 2) When I have a baby I am not going to sleep with her (HA.. slept with her every night until she was 12 weeks old) The list honestly goes on. Until you are in the position (of that crying baby because they just want to suck on a harmless pacy) of making a decision for your child in that exact moment, even if it will affect the rest of their life.. you really don’t have much to say. You REALLY don’t have much to say.

Maybe I have chosen the school I chose because what you are saying that is negative to you is a positive to me!? Maybe I chose where I want to live based on how I want to raise my child, or how we would feel as a family living here or there. MAYBE my decisions will change when it comes down to the moment that a new decision needs to be made. but, for now, what I am doing is not your business. If your intentions are good or not, THEY SUCK when you come at it from a point of view of “I would never, or if I had kids, or I heard this from a close friend”  If your intentions are coming from the point of “did you think about this or maybe this could work, or I have heard some good and bad.. do you want me to tell you?”  ITS ALL ABOUT THE WAY YOU APPROACH IT PEOPLE!

I am not mad. I honestly could care less (now that I vented) because I am the one that is raising MY CHILD. I am the one that is going to make the best decisions for her. I MEAN COME ON PEOPLE. Have you seen how beautiful, sweet, smart, funny, and talented my child is.. and you really are going to put your non parenting self’s opinion on me. I have done an amazing job.. I will continue to do an amazing job. The opinions of others DO make you think of things you may not have thought about before.. but please.. no matter what situation you are talking about or who you are talking to, try your hardest not to judge the choices of others. I am guilty myself.. I am not perfect. BUT I do not judge the parents that choose public over private.. or choose a diapers over pull ups.. or choose candy over veggies. (although the candy over veggies is hard for me not to judge now that I am going to be in the Dental field).. I DO NOT JUDGE THEIR PARENTING SKILLS..because they have their child.. I have mine.. and if you want to raise a child.. have one of your own..

Thank you! I am done..

p.s. for the ones that have a child and have been there or are there.. I always love your input! for the ones that I ask their opinion or the ones that know I want their opinions or the ones that are truly giving their opinion out of love and the ones that have a right to voice their opinions {family} .. please keep your opinions coming.. This is NOT intended towards you at all!

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