Friday, March 23, 2012



I know, without a doubt, that I am blessed with the most wonderful little girl. She is amazing. 9 8 times out of 10 she listens. She always behaves herself in public. She does have her moments of being a crazy out of control almost 5 year old BUT regardless, I don’t feel as though I have a true real reason to complain about how she acts here and there. I am blessed and I want to continue to be thankful for that. WITH THIS SAID: my child.. MY CHILD is Emotional! Really, she may just be the most emotional child I have ever seen or dealt with. Her feelings get her easy. (this might not be a plus when it comes to growing up in world now a days) she wants things her way and she cries over the silliest little things that are not silly to her. For Example:

We are having a great picnic outside on the porch. {Our porch is not large enough for a picnic blanket to spread out but she doesn’t like the sun in her eyes so we make due with the shaded porch} After we eat, she decided she wants to play with the new butterfly net from target. Although there are not butterflies out at this point, she wants to give it a shot. She begins with ants. Stomping her feet every time the net doesn’t catch the ant. After explaining to her that while she is stomping her foot she is prob killing the ants and the net is for flying bugs only.. she takes off in the yard. I see her running around grunting and trying to catch a bug flying around. When I asked her what she was trying to catch she says “you know, one of those big fat bees that don’t sting but I cant get it” I let her continue to try to catch the bee as a turn my attention back to my homework. Then she is standing in front of me trying to catch a … yellow jacket..  oh no no no.. you can not catch yellow jackets they will sting you if you make them mad by bothering them. Then.. SHE CRIES

she doesn’t cry because I told her no. She cries because “it is spring and there are not a lot of big fat bees outside to catch and there will never be enough big fat bees and that is the only bee I like and the only bee that wont sting me” I tell her that spring just started.. there will be plenty of other bugs outside within the next weeks and months.. but she is pessimistic (yea, I know where she gets that from) and she is sure there will never be a bug for her to catch.


moving forward to that night:

We are sitting on her bed and zak asked me if I was done doing my homework. I told him no and I didn’t plant on finishing it. Then she goes all emotional on me.. “I really want you to do your homework. You have to go to school. I want you all day but you have to go to school. I really want you to do your homework” needless to say I said ok, kissed her, and did my homework.


Moving forward to the next day:

she is picking the pretty polish off her toenails. without even thinking {like most parents do here and there} I just blurted out something. 
me: if you don’t stop I am going to cut them all off (I have no idea why I chose to say that}
Mady: tears running down her eyes.. it is going to hurt if you cut them all off!!
ooppss, guess I’ll pay more attention to what I am saying next time..

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