Sunday, September 11, 2011

and so she says


As I am sitting on the couch, working on homework, Mady is right beside me watching Magic School bus. I notice her biting her lips. She has been doing this for a few months now. She was "blessed" with her daddy's skin. Dry. That includes her lips. I try to keep chap stick on them but they dry out and she bites them. Anyways this is the conversation that came from a simple suggestion..

Me: Mady, if you bite on your lips then you will rip the skin off and it will hurt.

Mady: Oh! That wouldn't be good. ::pause::  then I couldn't chew food

Me: Exactly

Mady: Then I'd die! If I don't eat food, I die

Me: True

Mady: then I would go to heaven ::pause:: and meet God! ::pause:: aanndd it wouldn't take so long

Me: what would not take so long?

Mady: to meet God! But how do we drive there?

me: to heaven? We don't drive

Mady: Oh! we walk. But how do we know where to walk to?

Me: The angels come and say follow me

Mady: can we see the angels?

Me: when we die we can

Mady: not when we are alive

Me: right

Mady: but the angels are always with me while I am alive. They keep me safe

Me: very true

Before I can say another word, she runs off grinning


I love these random conversations..
Please God, don't let her get any bigger than 4. I don't want these moments to disappear!

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