Friday, September 30, 2011

Hair Hair Everywhere

Her hair is long and beautiful
The perfect shade of blonde

I have never cut her hair, actually I take that back. Kristen and I cut her bangs when she was less than a year old. That was scary but turned out fine. Her hair has never been touched since. It hangs below her buttcrack and when it is wet she can almost sit on it. But rain or shine, cold or hot, and expecially when it is windy, her hair is everywhere! In her face, in my mouth, it even takes baths in the penut butter and jelly. It is getting time to cut it. I KNOW!! I KNOW!! I shouldnt cut it. It is perfectly healthy. I am going to cut it though. Around February, and I mean cut it. I will never cut her hair above her shoulders but I am going to cut it pretty close. It will grow back if we don't like it or if we miss it long. I will cry. I will cry. She will cry maybe.

For the time being, I am going to enjoy that long beautiful hair!

ok.. so maybe I wont cut it

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