Thursday, April 26, 2012

A birthday list.. 4 months early


Tonight, Mady asked if she could start making a birthday list. Of course I said, considering last she had to think what she wanted and then it was pretty broad. Like baby dolls, or craft stuff, or books. The next 30 mins were spent with her telling me in detail what she wants and a few things of who she wants to get it for her. It went a little something like this:

- “a fan for my room, with colored blades that are all different colors.. like the one at home depot that matches my room.. you know? You remember that right? I want Dad to get that for me”

- “new books. Chapter books. Like Ivy and Bean or the Magic Tree House or June B Jones”

- “of course I want more baby dolls. I don’t have princess Aora. any baby doll would be good”

- “a puppy. I know you want a puppy so you can get me that”

- “new curtains for my new room when we get a new house. I want them for my birthday so we can already have it when we move to a new house one day. I want them to have butterflies. Pretty butterflies”

- "oh, pillow cases. From NuNu. She makes pillow cases really good. I like the fabric”

- “shoes and dresses and clothes”

- “a new humidifier. I like mine. I want a new one. It can be a butterfly too”

- “remember my new room will be electric green and the house we have after that will be lady pink” (she picked out colors for her bedroom for the next 10 years at Home Depot about 4 months ago and remember the names of the colors”

- “batteries for my vreader. I love my vreader”

- “more bows to go with my other bows”

- “a doll house. I miss my little doll house. You know the one that we gave to Pax a long time ago. She doesn’t have it anymore either but I miss it. I loved my doll house. It was in browntown with my pink bedroom and it had people that went to it”

- “OH, a new kitchen” I said, umm your kitchen is pretty much the coolest kitchen ever.. she said “yea but see that spot where the radio is? I don’t want it to have that spot. The sink, I want it pink. I want the oven where the microwave it, so yea, a new kitchen how I like it”

Photo Apr 26, 8 19 53 PM
( Yea, cause this kitchen is awesome or anything?)

- “picture frames. Like my own that I can put where I want them and move them anywhere I want them”

- “pictures in my picture frames”

- “a toddler bed. I remember my toddler bed at browntown too. It was so comfy. I miss my toddler bed so much. I like it better than my bed now”

And the convo continued.. Wow, this is going to be an expensive birthday! JUST KIDDING.. she isn’t getting all that stuff from me, that’s for sure!

So, I guess if you are already looking around for some things, there is part of her list..

Side Note: no puppy please.. I do want a puppy but that is for a year or two when we move. (unless we just have a baby instead..  either a baby or a puppy.. we will see)

Also, the fan, curtains, kitchen, and toddler bed.. yea, I figured I don’t have to say anything about that. I don’t know where she gets these ideas from..

She does need books, chapter books that are series are her favorite. (and my favorite to read)
Baby dolls are always welcomed!
Batteries are always a huge huge need in this house. I am always out of them (all sizes) and I never buy them. Once something goes dead.. it stays dead.
A girl can’t have too many bows!

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