Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Girl and Her Fly

My chica loves bugs. She likes them alive and she likes them dead. She does not like bees and certain spiders but pretty much everything else. Every time there is a bug she wants to keep I tell her that if we put it in something and keep it, it might die. She always responds with "its ok if it dies it will still be on its feet" If I make her put the bug back in the grass to go find its mom, its home, or whatever I say that day... She responds with "but Ill never see it again" then cries.

On this particular day, I was in the kitchen cooking. (this yummy dish) She walked up to the counter and blew. I asked her what she was doing and she said playing with the fly. I HATE FLYS. I am that crazy person that does not give up with a fly swatter or a book until the thing is dead! She on the other hand, was giggling and running around after this fly. She said they like playing chase. She is chasing the fly. I think to myself if I should just tell her the fly is not playing with you. The fly is annoying. It is trying to annoy you and fly near you then fly away to say you can't catch me. Then I realize that is pretty much chase. I play chase with the fly. I just don't giggle while doing it. I then look over and my chica is saying here fly here, come here little fly. She turns around and slumps her body over with her head hanging down. In the most pitiful voice she says (and I quote) "why wont it come here. I am the only one that loves him" It took everything for me to not burst into laughter. She was seriously concerned, sad, upset, I am not really sure but she was serious about it. I couldn't laugh in her face could I? About an hour and a half later, my chica and I were getting ready to do crafts. Again, in the kitchen, she walks in but this time with a fly swatter. She looks at me and says "Don't worry, Ill take care of that bug" then she walks to the window, climbs up in the chair, and smack. Smack. Smack SMack SMACK. She is actually hitting the fly. I grab my camera (I want my video cam) and start snapping pics. She did kill the fly and I wanted to take a picture of it dead.. morbid, I know.. but it fell in the window seal crack. She was proud to say the least. No tears. No giggles. Just a proud little voice that simply said.. "I knew I could do it"

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