Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It is called a resolution

Resolution: a solution, accommodation, or settling of a problem, controversy, etc.

Resolution: a act or process of resolving

Resolution: reforming of a habit

Making a New Years resolution can been looked apon in so many ways. A must, over rated, setting yourself up for failure, spirit building, pointless, challenging yourself, and so on.

Here are a few funny quotes that are said:

May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions.

Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self-assessment and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately, reinforces humility. Breaking them is part of the cycle.    

To be honest, most people fail at keeping their resolution. It is kind of ironic people make a resolution to do something such as weight loss, or stop smoking, or go to church, and so on. From the actual definition, A resolution is to solve a problem. Instead of deciding what you are going to do to make it what you want, how about first fix what is causing the issue.

I also think the problem with resolutions are that we make so many. Instead, how about making a chain of resolutions. Start with one, that is easy. Yes, make one you know will be accomplished with one step, or will be accomplished anyways, make it as easy as possible. Then have that resolution fall into your next resolution, accomplish that one, move into the next, and so on. I believe when we as humans see results in anything, it brings our spirit up, our confidence in being able to accomplish up, and what better thing to do than to make sure we raise our self spirit.

So here I begin my chain of solving issues within myself and life:

I am going to start with sleep. Sleep is one of, if not THE, most important thing we need for our health. My problem, I dont sleep.. I cant sleep.. I do not know the reason why. Well actually I do, my brain doesnt stop. Having a three year old, my ears are always awake, i have sensitive hearing anyways so the slightest sound wakes me, night time is my alone time, its for blogging..dvr..reading..playing games. Also, i just can not get comfy, or still, relaxed. So my RESOLUTION: to find a way to relax. Make it important to unwind, actually get in the bed by ten, turn the dvr off, blog earlier, use earplugs (just kidding.. I have to be able to hear my Chica) and when all else fails I am going to try tylanol pm or something like that. I will not take a sleeping med since I am not comfortable with passing out with a three year old in the house, but tylanol pm.. BRING IT.

When I have the sleep thing down, I will move into my next chain of solution and will let you know what that is when I get there. So here is too solving! It is a resolution!

P.s. Also, I have decided that my family (Zak and I) need to appriciate our life and how God has blessed us more. This is not a resolution, there is no problem to be solved, this would be a goal even if it were in the middle on the summer. I just have been thinking latley that for our age we have more than we could ever ask for in family, friends, our house, just life in general and we need to be thankful, act thankful, show thankfulness more often than we do.


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