Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate

Day 11 -
 A picture of something you hate

HATE? That is a strong word. To have such strong feelings about something, why would you have a picture of it? Something I hate is a lier. Picture of a lier? I could name a few people.. no picture. I hate cold weather! The only pictures I have of cold weather is the beautiful snow storm we had. That I loved. Humm, Oh I know what I can get a picture of that I HATE!!!!

YUCK! I can not stand a banana! The smell makes me gag and the taste makes me throw up! The thought of one makes me cringe. I have a 3 year old. She LOVES bananas. I buy them, and peel them, even touch them, I cut them, I hold my breath, I act like the "taste" good so she doesn't know any different. I HATE THEM!  Below is a pic that (I did not take myself) but it looked pretty cool . It is called 20,000 bananas.

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