Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Good, The Bad, The Thankfulness


The Good
I don't know if this is good or bad or to be thankful for. I am busy every single weekend (most weekends on Friday night and Saturday night) until the 2nd weekend of December. Really, I have never been so dang busy.. that is not including Holidays from now until New Years Eve. That is just busy weekends. That is not including school. Just social/family/friend stuff. It is good though because it will make the rest of this year fly by. I can count down the year by weekends. It is bad because I don't feel like I have time for anything else AND I don't know if this year passing by this fast is good or not. I am just going to stay positive about it all, it is all good things going on! Things I am excited about. Memories in the making!
The Bad
I can not stand one of my teachers. She can not read the words she is trying to teach us. She can not understand the words that are coming out of my mouth.. (ok.. ok.. I just had to say it.. "Friday") Really though.. for example... Today- She asked us who did or at least looked over the study guide. Out of 16 people, I was one of 3 that not only looked at it but finished it.. The long, dumb, confusing study guide. So, she asked us to define a word. I spoke up and read my definition. She looked at me and said.. "ok, now what does that mean?" after a long pause, a little giggle from behind me prob from the I'm not sure face I was giving the teacher, she asked again. "Can anyone tell me what that means. Put it in your own words.." again, pause.. from everyone. (Simply put, the definition is what it meant) so she stands there, looks at us me like duh.. and then tells us The exact answer, word for word, what I just read to her. Umm.. really? Then she ask us if we understand. What I don't understand is her teaching skills technique. Moving on, she asked if we have any other questions.. Of course, I do.. because I did the study guide.. I ask her exactly another question. She says, ok.. Ill give yall one question from the actual test.. (it is the question referring to what I am asking about) she ask the class true or false, blah blah blah.. we all say true.. she looks at us like duh.. I thought she meant duh like correct.. nope... it was false.. the entire class would have said true.. Then she says, I want yall to know more than the definition.. So the next question she ask.. I give her more than the definition.. then she says, you don't really need to know all of that, just know a few words of what the "word" means. (now, isn't that a definition? a few words that the "word" means?) at this point I give up.. I do not ask or answer anymore questions.. Before we leave class, she says, you all have to get an A.. it makes me sad when I grade papers that are not an A, it brings me to tears.. Well Teacher (not using her name because I do not think she is a bad person, she may teach other subjects well.. just not this one.. not for me at least) but anyways.. Teacher, it bring me to a throbbing headache when I spend hours and hours on your long stupid confusing study guide.. then, it brings me to even more headache when you don't like my correct answers. After all is said, I only have 15 more classes with this teacher (at least for this class) and I am going to do everything in my power to ace her test! Even if I leave with a pounding headache!

The Thankfulness
Life.. just simply life.. being alive.. ability to love .. have hope.. and feel joy. Thank you God for life

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