Tuesday, October 25, 2011

and so she says

(October 2011)

Zak, Mady, and I are sitting at the dinner table. Actually let me back up.. Mady has learned how to be mean. On purpose. Mean while she is kidding around, mean out of spite, and mean because I assume she thinks it is fun. She has this little mean look with a little mean tone in her voice. (she is sooo freakin cute when she is mean) so back to the dinner table.. Mady looks at me all mean like and says something. I do not even remember what she said. I looked at her and said; can you say that with a little less attitude please? She looks at Zak, tilts her head to the side and begins to say it again. This time with more attitude, head bobbing in a back and forth motion, one eye brow raised, and I swear if she could have snapped her fingers she would have. That girl had more attitude than I have ever witnessed in her. We laughed so hard. I saw a little glimpse of her at age 13. (hoping 13 is the earliest she will start to show attitude like that) It is times like that when I wish my life was recorded to play over and over again.


Zak is in the bathroom shaving and taking a shower. I am in my room doing my hair. I see Mady walk out of my room, into our bedroom, right up to the bathroom door. Then I hear her.
::knock knock:: Zak answers "yea?" Mady responds in a high pitched voice "It's Traci"  bahaha.. I burst into laughter. She run up to me and says, Mommy..pretend it is you.. I say ok.. then, she does it again.. ::knock knock:: Zak answers "yea?" Mady responds in a high pitched voice "It's Traci" bahaha.. I laugh harder.. The things she thinks of.. Do I really sound like that though? She is so cute!


I am sitting across from my Mom and Mady in a booth..
Mady is up on her knees right next to my Mom.

I begin to tell my Mom about the other day when Mady got in big time trouble. As I start to tell her I see this look on Mady's face.. so I stop talking. As I stop talking, I see her little mouth whisper these words to my mom

"Here She Goes Again" (with a little eye roll)

WHAT?!  are you serious?! REALLY?! 

The look on my Mom's face was priceless
The look on Mady's face when I burst into laughter was priceless

My child.. is priceless!!

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