Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Good, The Bad, The Thankfulness

The Good
I am in school! Yes, I am in school! after 6 years of no schooling, I take that back, after 6 years of not being in an actual class room.. I am now in my second week of school. This is good. Really good. I waited so long! Everything happens for a reason though!

The Bad
Humm. This is hard. Oh! I spent to much money this past weekend. The brew fest was fun! Don't get me wrong, I would do it all again! The night before I was out celebrating my brother in laws birthday (which cost money going out of course) and then the following night was Brew fest. TOO MUCH MONEY SPENT! Good thing we get paid this week.

The Thankfulness
I am so greatly thankful for the opportunity to go back to school. Thankful that financially we are able. Thankful that my mom can keep my chica while I am in school. Thankful that it is actually here. I am excited. Thankful that I have the motivation and confident that I am going to rock it!  

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