Sunday, August 21, 2011

Grow like Kent

When I asked my chica what she wanted for her birthday, she said a plant. A real plant, not a fake one. So, that is what she got (along with tons of other things). She loves to water it and talk to it. I am pretty sure at one point in my life I heard that if you talk to the plants, they grow faster.  

This is her tree..

While she was watering it today. She starts talking to it.
Then I hear her say....

"Tree, I want you to grow like Kent."
Kent is her very tall uncle.
I asked .. "did you just say you want your tree to grow like Kent?"
She says.. "Yes, I want it to grow like Kent"
as she is motioning her hands in a grow tall way.

Other than it being really funny she said that. It also amazes me that she thinks like that. She could have said I want you to grow tall. She doesn't say things in a simple thought matter though. Her thought was Kent. Kent is tall. She didn't want it to be tall, she wanted it to be tall like Kent. I can not really explain what I am trying to say other than the way her brain works, the way it processes what she means, the way she decides to say what she is thinking, it all amazes me. Putting two and two together. The way she so quickly puts two things together in the situation she is talking or thinking.

Her brain is amazing.
Just saying..

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