Friday, August 12, 2011

I believe in this to the core!

In life God doesn't give you the people you want, instead He gives you the people you need. To teach you, to hurt you, to love you, and make you exactly the way you should be.

I believe is this to the core. To the core of my being! I always say that people come and go in our life for a reason. When people leave your life, it is because they are done teaching you or learning from you. I think this is why friends come and go. Even family in some situations. We may look at that person who is no longer in our life and think; what did they do for me? If they come in our life for a reason, why were they in my life? The answer is not always right there. You may not know the answer until years and years down the road. Also, they might not have been in your life, you may have been in theirs. To teach them. You may also think; well this person is no longer in my life because it they were not good. They were not good for my life. This is true, the wrong people come in our life and they are not good for us but, you do learn. You learn what you do not want to be, you learn what you do not want, and you learn how to handle people that you done want. It really is that simple.

It drives me crazy when people say; Why is it this person or why is it that person. Why did God have me deal with this person. Why did God have me meet this person. DUH.. there is a reason. A reason for everything. And if the smallest thing you take from a person is that you never want to meet, be with, or even act like that person... then that is enough. It isn't small. No lesson is small.

I know in my life, I have many people come and go. Friends, people on the street, even family. As I have gotten older, I try to take something from most people I encounter.

p.s. When you meet a person that is not "up to par" in your book, always remember; you do not know what is going on in that persons life. You do not know what their day or week has been like.

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