Wednesday, August 10, 2011

From one to four in less than a month...

If you know me, then you know I am not a "pet" person. I am not really an animal person. Let me explain because you are probably thinking I am crazy for not being an animal person. Notice I did NOT say that I don't like animals. I love animals. I love learning about animals. I love watching animals. I do not like touching, holding, or petting animals. I just don't. Unless I know the animal very well, I do not like the animal in my personal space or in my chicas space. (She loves animals and bugs of all kind and will hold/touch anything that moves or breathes. Even dead bugs she loves) Back to me though. When an animal moves towards me, my heart beats fast. I didn't have an experience in my past that I know about that made me this way. I have not even been stung by a bee. Petting zoos.. nope not for me! I like zoos though. I could watch and talk to them all day. They are behind a cage. Wild animals, love them.. as long as they do not come near me or at me. Other peoples pets, once I get to know them.. I like them. but still not a fan of the licking or rubbing on me.

When Zak and I bought our house, he couldn't wait a month to get a dog. I am not an inside pet person. Well really, I just don't like pets. If they could not make a sound, not need to be fed, not need to have attention, not chew or scratch thing, and not poo... they would be perfect.  This is why I think a fish is the perfect pet. PERFECT PET!

Where were we? Molly.. yes, Zak had to get a dog. She is a cutie I must say. She is everything I wanted in a dog right down to the color of her fur and eyes. Most days I love her. I must admit, I don't spend time with her like other people do with their pet. but she is not mine.. she is Zak's. We have had her for a year now. Just her. Until recently. We did have 1 pet. Now we have 4! 4 pets I said!!

First we added a fish. I really didn't want another beta fish. I wanted something with a little more personality. When Zak and Mady went to get it, the lady kind of freaked out on him about putting a goldfish in a bowl. Really? Who doesn't put a goldfish in a bowl? Well, needless to say, we ended up with a beta.

This is not the best pic because it is hard to capture his beauty in a plastic bowl. The bowl is pretty freakin awesome though. It is plastic and changes colors. You can set a color, have the colors change fast, or have them dim slowly into another color. (We dim the slowly so the fish doesn't get a headache) I have to say, I love this fish. He swims, doesn't make a noise, doesn't smell bad, and is easy to feed!

For my chica's 4th birthday (which is this Friday) we decided to get her another pet. After looking at cages after cages, reading what is best, and looking at more cages.. we decided to use the 55 gallon tank we have at home. This tank would be so pretty with salt water fish in it, but that has not happened yet. We once had a lizard in it. For now though, it is the new mansion to some very lucky pets.

yes, we got hamsters. I do not hold hamsters (although, I did tonight for the first time since I was a little little girl.. it went ok.. I am way more scared of them than they are of me) Also, we did get two. Supposedly you can not put two hamsters together if they did not "grow up" together. Meaning, we could not decide to get the little girl a friend later on. This is what Zak and the guy told me. I am not sure how true it is though..

Above is Daisy Mae. aka Mae. She is so cute. My favorite. She is very calm, the smaller of the two, and the perfect gray color. (this is the one I held tonight)

Below is Jeta. She actually has red eyes in most lighting (I didn't want a red eye one but.. they were the only two in the cage and I really wanted the gray one. Mady wanted all of them, all colors. We let her choose between these two and two in another cage.. the two that didn't get chosen looked exactly alike so we wouldn't have been able to tell them apart very well.. good choice Mady!) 
Anyways, Jeta. She has red eyes and is fast. Red eye JET plane. Fast like a JET. Mady felt like JET was a "boy" name so we went with Jeta. She is the dominant one. I have not held her.

All in all, I am happy with 4 pets. I love the fish. I love love the hamsters. I also truly do love Molly Brown.

Mady loves them all. She isn't scared in the least to touch them. She wants to hold them. Right there in the store she tried to pick one up. The fish she loves, she always see him and says.. he hasn't died yet. I assume this is because the last fish died. The hamsters play, she sits her chair right in front of the cage to watch them. Molly is still her favorite though. Nothing like a dog I guess.

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