Sunday, August 28, 2011

The best cleaning day ever!

A few weekends ago, Madyson had her 4th Birthday Party. It turned out amazing. Today, we are writing Thank You Notes. I was going to let her write them out herself but, she gets bored of writing. This time I decided to let her tell me what to put in the note and I would write them out. They are so funny to read. She said I love you and miss you in each other them. Over and over. In one, she told the person that she hope they like the presents that they got her. HA, I laugh because who would get a present for another person that they themselves did not like. Also, this person was pretty proud of her present she got Mady.

We had to take a break for the Thank You notes because playing with stickers is way more fun.

We spent the day cleaning. It feels so good to start the week off with a clean house. As I was cleaning the bathroom, Madyson runs in and ask to help. I don't really want her cleaning the toilet (yet) so we made a chore chart for her.

(sorry about the quality of the photo)

She did a wonderful job. It was nice not having her ask me what to do. She just looked at the pictures and did what was needed. The bedroom didn't get done because honestly I just didn't want to do it. We will get to that this week. I think I am going to continue the chart chore system. Melissa and Doug make a great one. 

During the house cleaning, we did take a few breaks and play.
Such as:
holding Mae
(while cleaning out the hamster cage)

Making a seesaw that didn't work

and then making another seesaw that almost worked

Mady started getting creative (which is nothing new) and threaded a balloon through the tshirt thing to make a pulley and also a kite.

We also rode brooms around the house with a certain little one squealing at the top of her lungs in the highest pitch possible. She did not want to be like other witches so she turned her broom around backwards.

Then there was the bed with no sheets. Some how or another, this seem to be the best thing in the world that ever happen. I never knew that taking the sheets off a bed could make a person so happy. Actually that is a lie, when she was little she had a crib and then a toddler bed. Every time I took that little air filled mattress off the bed and took the sheets off, she would have the time of her life. I wonder if this enjoyment will follow her into adult hood?! 

Now my little chica is fast asleep, the house is super clean, and I am waiting on my husband to get home with dinner. Today was one of the most fun cleaning days I have ever had! Now, lets see if we can keep it this clean until next weekend.

p.s. Thank You notes are finished and will be mailed in the next day. I just need stamps.

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