Tuesday, July 31, 2012

and so she says




Sitting at dinner just hours after getting back from Hawaii

Mady: it just feels so good to be in Chattanooga

Me: does it feel like home?

Mady: ::as she looks down and thinks. and the sadly says:: no, Maui feels like home



While laying down at bedtime:

Me: so, are you going to be good at Pax’s birthday party?

Mady: well yea, I am going to be Great actually

Me: oh really?! Awesome!

Mady: I just.. I just.. I just cant believe Pax is 4. She like, is getting so big and like I just cant believe it

Me: I know right?!

Mady: we will have to get her something for her birthday that is for big girls. I don’t know what but I will get the perfect present




Some time last week:

again, while laying down at bedtime: we started talking about going “up” to heaven

Mady: but mom, God is in the ground. That is what I keep telling you. And heaven is in the ground too

Me: no, your wrong. Hell is down and Heaven is up. God is up. You know this

Mady: I know. I Know. That’s what I said the last time

then I start to kiss her goodnight since our song is over.

Mady: wait, lets talk about this

Me: ok. lets talk

Mady: So Hell? That down?

Me: yes, and the Devil

Mady: I think you taught me this but I don’t remember but I learned that the Devil wants to be like God

Me: The devil wants you to do wrong things. Like if you lie or do something you are not supposed to, that is the devil and it makes God sad, and your heart hurt. So if you do what God wants you to do then you can go to Heaven. Except little kids, they go to heaven even if you make mistakes. People make mistakes.

Mady: So what does the Devil do when you don’t do what he wants you to do?

Me: well, I’d say it makes him sad .. and that is good

Mady: no, that is great!

Me: yea, that is great. When you get older you have to be the best person you can be. You have to do your best to do everything right. So when you are younger you have to practice doing everything right. But people make mistakes.. that is why you say you are sorry. Just like you tell me your sorry, you have to tell God you are sorry.

Mady: sometimes, when I am sorry, God just knows I am sorry

Me: true, because you are probably talking to him in your head telling him your sorry. And you have to always believe. No matter what you have to believe in God and Jesus

Mady: O’ I already believe





While talking to Zak about our day. I started to correct Mady on what she was telling him. In the middle of me telling him the “real” story instead of “her” story, ::note.. I am sitting behind her so she can not see me:::  she lifts her pointer finger up towards the back of her (where I am sitting) and says SHUSH with a little head bob and 10 year old attitude.

Yea, that didn’t go over so well with Dad. As he is explaining why she will not ever do that to her mommy again and about respect.. it took EVERYTHING for me not to burst out laughing. You know me by now.. I think she is so cute when she is mad and even rude sometimes. I laugh inside constantly and it takes everything for me not to laugh in her face. Although it is not ok for her to act that way.. it is still so cute and funny. I mean, where would she get that from. I have NEVER SHUSHED her.


Side note:

her new thing-  if you know my chica, you know she is sensitive, emotional, (a cry baby would be the honest way of saying it although I don’t call her that.. although I want to because it gets annoying and silly and sometimes I think if I am just mean to her about it then she will stop since I have daily talks to her about it and am nice, understanding, firm, and everything else but mean) Anyways.. So, she is a little sensitive and always has been. That is not “new” but now she will say, when anything happens.. (if I smile, laugh, or giggle,

“it isn’t funny!!!!”   oh but if she knew the truth. It IS funny. REALLY funny. Some things ok, I see her point and I don’t want to hurt her feelings.. other things.. are you for real? you mean to tell me jumping in the pool with your stuffed bunny that you forgot you were holding wasn’t funny? You mean to tell me that walking and not watching where you are going and then walking into a door isn’t funny? You mean to tell me that sitting on your bed and just randomly falling off isn’t funny? You mean to tell me that dropping your grape, chasing it across the kitchen floor, then stepping on it and it squashing all over your toes isn’t funny? You mean to tell me that looking for something that you are actually holding isn’t funny? they are funny. it is all funny. so many things are funny. She Is Funny. and my little chica needs to lighten up!

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