Thursday, March 10, 2011

I was blogging before I blogged

So for the first time in.. well FOREVER.. actually I think it said last log in was Aug. 2010. but anyways, for the first time in forever I logged into myspace. WoWzErS. I almost forgot my password. So I looked to the right and there was 4 post. I figured I should just ad them to my blog in case I forget my password for real.

baby is here..

well as most of you know... baby is here.. MADYSON JADE is her name.. she was born aug 12 2007 .. 5:10 pm.. 7.12 lbs.. 19.5 inches
that was 6 weeks ago.. she was 2 weeks early.. NOW SHE IS 10.10lbs holy crap.. she was in preemie clothes for like 5 weeks and then boom skip the newborn stuff and hit the 0-3 month stuff! but like i have said. i love chunky babies.. she is not chunky yet but from the sounds of it she might be on her way there..
pictures are under my picture section..
and for the people who care about me and not just her.. ha, i am doing great.. it took a bit for me to get back to normal as far as hormones go but all is good now.. zak and i are loven mady and he is such a GREAT and PERFECT daddy.. she is very lucky to have a dad that loves her the way he does.. we are very blessed to have such a good baby.. and on top of everything she is so......

toddler is here

here it is, a year later.. well almost.. the first blog was written sep. 27 07 today it is sep 24 08 
when i was prego, i always wondered what she would look like.. i just wanted to have her to see what she would look like.. hair, eyes, nose, would she sleep or be awake.. what would i sing to her, would she be chunky or little, when would she get her first tooth, would she talk and say dada or mama first.. little did i realize that i wouldn't find all the answers to the wondering questions i had.. little did i realize that i would have to wait a year before i would know her true eye color.. what she would look like..
well now mady is 13 months old. 26.5 pounds over 2 feet tall..crawling, singing, talking, she giggles and plays peekaboo and paddy cake, so on and so on. she is everywhere into everything..
blond thick soft hair (me) huge eyes with such pretty long dark eyelashes(zak) the smallest little nose (me) and small perfect ears(zak) chunky as can be(both) she loves to dance. ever since she was little.. always dancing and singing something. dada was the first word.. then bear.. she knows what al sorts of animals say and look like. she got her first tooth at 10 months.. now she has 6 teeth with 2 on the way  she looks the best in the color teal or hot pink and dresses and hair bows are for sure her thing! she doesn't like apples but anything else is a go! if it is green then it is her favorite thing! would rather have plain cheerios then honey nut.. takes a bottle to bed(i know that's bad..) doesn't really have anything to do with a nuk unless she finds one in her toy box randomly. . . doesn't like to sleep with mommy or daddy not even for a nap.. hasn't fallen asleep with us AT ALL since 3 months old. loves loves g-raffs. would rather be chased around than anything. loves to shop, she loves to watch people. cant sit still for more than 30 seconds unless being read to.
ok well i think that is enough... the point is that she is her own person now.. i know what she looks like..NEVER in a million years did i ever think MY child would be so beautiful and so cool!
this past year has just made me so excited about the next year that is about to fly by.. the walking and talking and playing on playgrounds.. the cute toddler clothes and cool toddler toys.. coloring and hide and seek.. the list goes on
ok well just thought i should do a little update for the people that wonder and care.. have a wonderful day!

and now she is 2 years old

it is July 23rd 2009, 

Madyson is about to turn 2 years old.. I wonder where the hell the past 2 years went..  I thought that from age newbie to 1 year went by fast but this past year.. yea it went by way way faster. I feel like I just had her 1st birthday and here is am getting ready for her 2nd
she is 28 pounds and a little over 2 and a half feet tall.. she has thinned out so much.. except for her thighs and feet.. her eyes are green now - they change from green to green blue... she has so much hair, it is blond, long enough to pull it all back in a ponytail, and it is starting to curl! :) She is no longer in a crib.. sleeps all night in her toddler bed AND she doesn't ever take a bottle! took me 2 years to get rid of them but the good news is they are gone! she likes her nuk more now than ever.. but that's ok.. only at bedtime

she is very calm and laid back (like her dad) she doesn't really get upset or mad at anything.. i am pretty lucky. she is very quite little girl. she loves to go to sleep, we do not have a problem at nap time or bedtime. like i said, i am pretty lucky to have such a good girl.
she loves sunglasses, purses, dollhouses, and baby dolls! to paint her toe nails and pretend she is putting on make up. she still loves to sing and dance. i think it is how she relaxes her self.. she sings her self to sleep. and as soon as any music starts, she dances.. It is funny because she has certain dances depending on what type of music we are listening to. really she is the typical toddler.. elmo, animals, cartoons, coloring, and anything else that involves playing.

she talks full sentences (when she is not being shy) and she loves her lala and her aunt kelsey .. o and josh!  she loves anything baseball. Playing it, watching it, singing about it, pictures of it! she is the funniest person i have ever met in my life! there has never been a person that can make me laugh the way she does.. i really do think she is the coolest person ever!

well that is about it, it is crazy to me that i no longer have a baby.. i no longer have a person that depends on me for everything.. she would rather do it all herself and what is more crazy to think about is that she has become one of my best friends and i will have her for the rest of my life! it is crazy she is just going to get bigger and bigger.. i think i actually feel like a real mom now and not just a person that just had a baby or a person that has a 1 year old.. if that makes sense..

ok this turned out way longer than i meant but that is my update on madyson jade

and now she is 3 years old

It is time for the birthday update..
oh where to start...

Madyson Jade just turned 3 years old. It is crazy that over 3 years ago I was prego with her.. 3 years ago I was at home with a new born.. I miss her being little..

I love having a 3 year old though.. A little about her now:
she is just over 3 feet tall, she is 32 pounds. Her feet are still chunky and we still have a hard time finding shoes to fit. Her thighs are still pudgy which I love to squeeze. Everything else has slimmed down. I miss her chunk.. Her hair is long and blond. It is now to the middle of her back. Straight as can be.. no curls unless of course I make it curl. Green eyes that still look just like her daddy. Toes are always painted. Usually each foot is a different color. Gap in her two front teeth.. YES!! still there.. cute as ever! She still looks like she did when she was born in so many ways.. JUST OLDER. much older. She talks as if she knows every word in the dictionary. She knows more Spanish than I do (thanks to Dora)

Her loves:
The Beatles, Ringo.. she has a drum set and says she is going to be the next Ringo.
She is into Bob Marley, Dave, and so on. I do not let her listen to rap music since she learns the words to music so easily. Music is for sure her love. Not just listening to it but playing it. She likes to "jam out" on her drum set (yes it is a real full drum set) or her one of many sting instruments   . She sings and dances and likes to play in "bands".

She is all into baby dolls right now(and barbies, and polly pockets, and little pet shop) She loves to feed them and sing to them and most of all she likes to make voices for them. She likes to roll play and tell the dolls what to do. She got a power wheels motorcycle for her birthday and it has a side car for her dolls (or Paxston..even though Pax is to big, we make it work.. ha)

Baseball and Football still catch her eye on the TV.

She rode rides for the first time this summer. Boats, Trains, and so on.. she loved it! It hit me that she is really big sitting in a ride all by herself going around and around.

Her fav. color is black right now. She says she likes black because it "shows up" . She picks black crayon, playdoh, shirts, and so on. Anything really that is black she likes.

She is potty trained. Has been for at least 7 months now. I didn't start when she was 2 because I didn't think she was ready. I waited until she was almost 2 and a half.. that was very smart of me because she caught on very well! She has only had 3 small accidents since she started. Still sleeping in pull ups but that's ok.

On her 3rd birthday I decided the pacy in the car and at nap time had to go. She never has it in public but I think she is too big for it in the car. I didn't want to take it away cold turkey since she loves it so much so right now she just has it at night time when it is dark outside only in her bed. She is doing well. Doesn't ask for it anymore but since the 12th of Aug,(and it is Aug 22nd right now) she has not once taken a nap. She says she can't sleep without her pacy so she just plays for 2 hours in her bed instead.

She loves to tell joke and say silly words. She laughs at herself all the time. She likes to race us in the house.

My fav things she says are: Mommy (or Daddy) I just love you..  :) also, she still to this day calls Zak and I babe.. YES .. BABE.. Hey Babe.. she says.. wonder where she hears that all time?! :)

She started preschool .. well she stars preschool next week and even though I am nervous, she is very excited to go play by herself. She thinks it is so cool that I will drop her off and pick her up.. :) that makes it easier on me for sure! We will see how it goes when it is actually time for me to drop her off.

She is still quite, and calm.. most the time,  loves nature and being outside.. doesn't like to finger paint because it is toooooo messsyy. She can pretty much do anything and everything you can think of.. She can jump, flip, and she loves to put on tu-tus and dance.. DANCE CLASS, here we come!

She has become the smartest, most beautiful child that I could have ever asked for. She is my everything and I did not realize how much I would continue to love her. I didn't think I could love her more than I did the day she was born but I was wrong. It is crazy to think that she is not a toddler.. not a baby.. a little girl. A beautiful little girl!

That's about it .. until next year, when she will be 4 years old.. omg!!!! 

In other words, guess I was blogging before I blogged..

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