Monday, December 27, 2010

Late Night Giggles

Once again I am blogging from my iPad. I have not found an application for it yet but this will work for now. I will just add my pictures later but for now wanted to tell you about my late night giggles!

So today is night four for My little chica to sleep no pacy. I was not sure how it would go but as of tonight still no tears. That is an entire blog in itself. But for tonight.... Since she does not have her comfort thing (pacy) she does not go straight to sleep. She plays, calls me in the room about five different times, and always says "we forgot something" when I ask her what it is we forgot, she takes a second, looks out the top corner of her eyes (like ever time she is thinking of something) and comes up with some random off the top of her head thing. Tonight was just like that... Going in her room over and over again for no reason other than she was awake and I guess you could say testing me in a way. Well I went into her room and and once again she is just talking. I told her this is the last time go to sleep. (with some aggravation or sternness in my tone) well, not five seconds mins later I hear that little voice yelling MOMMY pause MOOMMMMYY pause and louder MMMMMOOOOOOMMMMMYYYYY. So here I go again to her room. I open her door, walk to her bed and she wants to tell me that her humidifier is off. It isn't. She looks at me and says I thought it was. I lean over to look in her eyes as I am tucking her in to tell her to go to sleep. And my little chica takes her sweet small soft hand and put it to my cheek. Then she begans to rub my cheek ear to chin with the funniest smile on her face. I smile and she starts to giggle. She thinks it is the funniest thing to rub my cheek I guess. Her giggles give me the giggles that make her giggle even more. The giggles continue for the both of us. Our giggles just playing off the others.

My chica has so much joy in her. I see it in her eyes and her smile. Most of all i hear it in her giggles. Her giggles that i love so much. The giggles that are pure happiness from her heart. The giggles i wish i could capture on a recorder or video for you all to hear but they are so pure that not even a modal moment would be able to capture it. The giggles I want and need to hear for the rest of my life.

Next time you hear a child giggle take the time to listen to it. Watch it. Giggle back and feel the warmth that comes from a pure heartfelt giggle. It is an smashing feeling to giggle!

Our night ended with some giggles love and finally some sleep.

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