Thursday, December 30, 2010

Let today be the day you look in the basket

Well today would be day two of my picture day challenge but as you can see..... I have not even done day one .. It is hard since this week has been so busy and my iPad does not let me upload pics from it. Strange I can upload pics from my phone to my blog but not from the iPad. Humm. Something isn't right. O well. Moving on.

So today I started on cleaning the house since Christmas has destroyed it. It prob has never been such a mess since we moved in and then with my sister being in town I have just let it go. Being with her is way more important anyways. Today though, I had to clean.. I cant start the year off with a messy house and tomorrow is the new years eve party so I wouldn't have time to clean it. Might I add I feel like crap today. But I did it. Cleaned the entire thing. Except vacuum since mine is not working. Which I hope to go get in the next few days. But back to what I was wanting to write about.

You know when you are doing laundry and there is that certain basket that has been sitting there for a long time. You pretend not to see it. You say to yourself I'll do it last but... last never comes. Well I have a basket like that. It has prob been sitting there to be honest a month of two. I too pretend not to see it, will get to it last, kind of forget about it. Well today was the day I decided to look in the basket. A pillow, a towel, a small blanket, and then at the bottom of the basket... Omg I have been missing this stuff. I knew I had a blue shirt with brown buttons, I knew Mady had another pair of off white tights, and oh... Another shirt I forgot I had. Actually a few different things I forgot I had. Ooppss and YAY all at the same time. Well today... that basket got washed.. FIRST..

Point to the story-

Let today be the day you look in that basket to find things you miss and things you forgot!

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