Sunday, February 5, 2012

Her amazing hair

Looking at her now you would never know how she was born. Her long blond beautiful hair (she actually made a song up about her hair and that is the chorus.. long blonde beautiful hair) has not always been long and blonde. She was born with a natural mohawk and her hair was dark brown. I loved that little mohawk.


Above is from the day she was born, below she was 2 weeks old

3 weeks 5

I am not sure exactly when her hair turned blonde, but it did. I am not sure exactly when her hair got long but after 4 years of growing and not having a single haircut, long is to be expected. Watch how her hair grew below!

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12 months (1 year old)

18 months (1.5 years old)

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24 months (2 years old)

2 years old and her first french braid (via Kdale)

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31 months (2.5 years old)

36 months (3 years old)

42 months (3.5 years old)

48 months (4 years old)

And now for the hair just weeks before it is cut!

1 month shy of 4.5 years old

She twirls her hair all the time and I finally got a picture!

Kristen and I cut her hair when she was less than 1 years old. We only cut her bangs and may have trimmed that little rattail she had going from when her mohawk grew out. Since then her hair had never been cut.

I knew after Christmas I was going to cut it and that is exactly what I did. My poor little girl woke up with a cold, her eyes were so red and watery but she was a trooper. She did great, standing in the chair, watching her cut it, and then getting pink put in it. She really was excited about it, although the pictures she doesn’t look to happy! She HATES when her eyes water. She can handle the runny nose, sneezing, and cough but watery eyes drive her crazy. Really, she will cry because her eyes wont stop watering and she carries around (and sleeps with) a bath cloth that is wet to wipe her eyes on. They burn, water, turn red, and become swollen with every cold or allergy she has.
She is going to hate the TN allergies. Anyways,

On January 24th 2012, Mady got her first haircut!


Before After

a week after her hair cut

Most people probably can not tell a difference. If you don’t see her everyday or weekly, you don’t realize how long her hair really is was. 7 inches made a huge difference though. It comes below the middle of her back but not to her booty. I recently braided her pigtails and they looked so short. In a high pony it is short looking too. I probably could have gone another 3 o 4 inches but at the time, I was a little nervous and not sure how much 10 inches would be. Needles to say though, I love it. I really love it. Now I am going to let it grow (7 inches) and then cut it 10 inches to donate it, and repeat this until she is old enough to decide her haircut. She is so pretty. I just love her!

Before After
and yes, I love monkeys and buy any pjs with them on it! (and any shirt)

I must add, it is much easier to comb due to the fact that I was having to make her stand up when I did her hair because of the length. Now she can sit. There are still just as many tangles, we still braid it before bed, it still takes forever to dry, and it still gets in the way of everything (eating, car seat buckle, snuggles)

With all said though, the long hair is worth it.
She is still my beautiful blond long haired girl!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE all the pictures. Awww..... what a beautiful Cupcake! Great moment in life documented!
