Saturday, March 16, 2013

Peace Out Old House

I can proudly say we are now homeowners of ONE house. Not two! This feels amazing. First I want to say thank you to every person that supported us in the decision of buying our current house. I know it might not have been the "right" time or you may have thought we were making a stupid decision, BUT, I am so happy and do not regret it at all. In fact, I think it all happened the way it did for many reasons. (There are actually to many reasons than I want to type out)

I also want to say thank you to everyone that prayed for us. The house was on the market for around 24 weeks. (Yes, that is 6 months). Due to the fact that it was winter, Holidays were approaching fast, and it was the end of the year. We knew our house probably wouldn't sell in December but tried to stay positive. God sure does work in ways I can't understand but I do know that he had our back. Even at our most difficult time financially, we made it through. And only he knows, and Zak and I know, Just how much the house HAD to sell when it did. There was no turning back at this point but I have no idea how we could have continued forward either.

The closing was wonderful. It was great to see the buyers excited about their first home (that was also our first home) and everything went smooth and happy. Unlike the closing we had on our current house. That lady was nuts. She said a few choice words and most the time, when she wasn't talking, there were crickets in the room. I like to tell myself she was just having a bad day, selling a house she loved, and many the house she was buying was being difficult. Anyways, the day was great and I could not be any more happy to say peace out old house! I will always love that house being our first house purchase, we had many wonderful memories connected with that house as well. I am just super excited to live in our current house and make many more memories in it.

Some links to post about my old house:
Home Owners
Walk Right In
I Am Your Master
It Is Just a Bathroom
What Greets You

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