Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday Fun Post

Have you ever seen the show ridiculousness  (I think that is the name of it) with Rob as the host? If not, then you are missing out on some funny videos! What he does at the end of the show is type something random in Bing and then shows a video from that random topic. That is exactly what I am going to do here on Friday Fun Post. The words come from a random word generator since I don't think I can randomly come up with words for this creative post.  So, here we go

Friday Fun Post

::::dum roll:::::

if you have every searched the interenet.. you know that there can be some pretty scary things that pop up. I will leave them for you to look up and just post the interesting ones. (Fun Animal Nose did take it to that scary level)

We all know what this nose is. Elephants are so beautiful..

but what in the world is this??
It is the Star Nose Mole, located mainly in Canada. The Star Nose Mole's brain is made where over half the brain is used to understand and process any information given by its nose. Particularly finding prey. 

This is the newly discovered Long Nosed Frog. Not much is known about this little guy other than where he is from and when he is croaking, his nose sort of inflates and points upwards. When he was found, researchers also found the smallest kangaroo, a three toned pigeon, and a gargoyle, bent toed, yellow eye gecko. 

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