Monday, January 7, 2013

JANUARY {monthly challenge}

If you read my last post, you know what this is about. If that post was to long and picture less, then let me fill you in. One of my 2013 goals is to have a monthly challenge for myself. Enough said, I think you get the idea of what this is about.


Eat Less Meat {or no meat if possible}

I want to say Eat No Meat.. but that seems like a challenge out of reach. {Fish is not in this category though.} So each week I will post how I am doing. That is 4 post saying I have not eaten meat. Easy enough, so I hope.  STARTS AT THIS MOMENT PEOPLE!

no steak, no hamburgers, no chicken, no meat on my tacos, no meat in my chili, and so on. Just Fish. If I am with you and you have cooked meat, please don't be offended when I skip that dish.

Why you ask?
Mainly because I want to learn how to cook meals without the meat.

Also, watch veganized on Netflix. You will cry so grab the tissues. I am not going vegetarian or vegan {at this point.. but I understand fully why people choose those} I just want to eat as little meat possible.

And last but not least, I am tired of paying high $$ money for meat that is full of "who knows what". I can save money by going meatless and save my body from the harm it is causing. YES, I fully believe that meat full of hormones and chemicals causes our bodies harm.

Why just Fish?
I crave sushi. I love tuna from outback. I need fish to get me past no meat.

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