Monday, January 7, 2013

2013, Goals

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. I sure did. I have to say, this was my favorite Christmas ever, but there will be a post about my Holidays a little later on. {yes, I am behind on all the updates and pictures you want to see} Instead of the fun stuff, you get the "whats going on in Traci's head" stuff. Lucky You.. Lucky You..

So, it is a new year. "I am jumping in the wagon" {is that the saying? I always get sayings mixed up} and putting it out there that NEW YEAR = NEW ME.. don't worry people, I will still say awesome. Just more awesome. Really though, there are a few things I want to work on within myself, family, and life. So.. now that life is about to be back to boring and calm (I love boring) I have time to really concentrate on the things that need to be done. Here they are.. My goals:

A.s.a.p Goals

  • Sell the house. 
    • I did not allow myself to stress in December about the house. It is cold, holidays, and really.. who would buy a house in December? {If you would, please don't tell me.. it is how I kept myself from being worried}
  • Find a school for Mady
    • She starts Kindergarten in August of THIS YEAR. I don't have a choice now. If you remember last year, I was a little overwhelmed with the decision on where she should go. It is that time again. I have to start deciding. If I want her in the private school that I keep going back to, I have to have all paper work by the end of Feb. and in March she has her evaluation to see if she is accepted. Oh Golly Gee, it's already almost mid January. BUT, I do know she isn't staying at her current school. I am not happy with many things there. With this said, I am positive that it was the right decision for this year. It got us in a routine of "school things" and it has giving me a more open mind about public schools. Considering she is currently at a private school and I feel as though a public school would be more to my liking. Lucky for us, we are zoned (at our new house) for a wonderful public school that many people try to get their kids into. Reviews, both parents and academics, are great.. so, it is an option!
  • Did I mention, Sell the house?!
For the Year Goals
  • marriage. 
    • not getting married, but being married. This year marks our 5 year wedding anniversary. I think it is a wonderful time/year to concentrate on improving things. Such as, dates. We have decided that 2 times a month, we will accomplish a nice/but not the usual date. He plans one and I plan the other. So, every other 2 weeks be ready people.. I'll be asking for some ideas to take my husband out/in! Also, focusing on supporting and uplifting each other. I think that we/everyone fall into a routine and things start to just be same ol same ol. We as people need that random uplift for life. It is important to let our spouse know how much he/she means to us. Just changing a daily routine every now and then can bring so much joy into any relationship. The {good} unknown and {good} unexpected are needed. 
  • house loves
    • organized house.. its my dream. Starting with the bathroom and ending with the closets, of course everything in between. It will happen.. it is happening. I'll be sharing some organizing tips soon. 
    • decorating. When we moved in, I left everything empty.. then I decorated for Christmas. Now, as of today.. everything is down and we are empty again. Actually, I just put up curtains in the bedroom. Although the curtains are way too short {come to find out} the rod is up and that is one thing more than I had done yesterday. The house must be sold first though so I'll be doing some cheap things until then. 
    • cleaning out. I cleaned so much out when we moved. At least I thought I did. Really thoug, I thought I did. We gave soooooo much away. tons and tons and tons of stuff. Car loads. but some how or another we ended up bringing 2 truck loads to the new house. When I say 2 truck loads, I mean it took 2 of the largest Uhal trucks to move us. Yea, I know.. it's bad. So, I am cleaning out as I unpack {yes, I hid tons of stuff in the attic during the Holiday festivities and didn't unpack} Just the other day I went through 6 boxes of linens/clothes/jackets/towels. They are all washed and I have 2 ex large moving boxes full of stuff for goodwill. 
  • Mady's room, playroom, pool
    • these are the 3 places I want to have everything completed by this time next year. The pool is what will cost money since it is a blank slate and I have been dreaming of a pool since I can remember. In other words, my dreams for the pool area are a little "wow" and "bang" and well, still a dream at this point. {if this house doesn't sell, they will stay a dream} Wall color and dresser is done in Mady's room so it shouldn't be expensive for the other stuff. The play room, well .. we will see what happens with that.
  • Debt and Bills
    • I want so badly to pay of some debt. This is the first year we have ever accrued medical bills. Although they are not insane amounts, it eats at me as they hover over me {or take up room in my mailbox} We only have 1 credit card debt left and we are sooo very close to paying that off. It takes time and hard work. Along with dedication. I know we could be more dedicated to the debt then we were last year.. so it will be interesting to see next year what we have accomplished with this goal. 
Me, myself, and I
  • healthy me
    • that is a given. Everyone needs to be more healthy. Well, this is the year. I have a little chica watching every move I make = positive attitude and healthy mind. I have a pool in my backyard = 20 more pounds to go by May {5 pounds a month, not a big deal} and most of all I have a life to live = closer to God, putting healthy things inside my body, getting my mind, spirit, and body where it needs to be
  • finishing school
    • this isn't really a goal because it isn't an option for it not to happen. It is more of something I am looking forward to. The goal is more like making all As this year. I did it last year and I am loving this 4.0 gpa. This year though, classes :::math::: might be a little harder to accomplish that A in. I can and will do it though. I have 3 quarters until externs. Each quarter being 12 weeks. Because of that, this year is going to fly by. By the time you get comfortable in class with the teacher and other students, it is already mid term. Then before you know it, exams and new schedules. October will be here before I know it. I don't even want to think about everything from now until October {I will have a 6 year old by then}
  • appreciate the people in my life more BUT have my life revolve around my family more
    • this is hard to explain but I'll try. For such a long time it has been about me and my friends. I just happen to marry a great man that fit right into my friends. He soon became part of our group. Because this happen so easy {yes, my husband is an easy guy to like} our life has been about friends and family. This year, I want it to be more about family. About Zak, Mady, and myself. I don't mean I wont see my friends often, we need friends in our life. BUT, There comes a day in your life when your family is all you have. I hate that, and I can not ever imagine not having my close close friends with me, by my side. I have seen with my own eyes how people change though. How people you couldn't imagine changing, change. That is part of life. We all change, grow, and are on a path of life that isn't always the same path as the person we are use to running along with. This has made me sad. I have felt very sad multiple times last year about different people changing {even myself changing} so now, I have decided to embrace the changes. Support the changes. It may make me sad but I want to be happy. Happy for the people that I love to grow and change and take new paths that can and will better their life. Even if it is going in the complete opposite direction of my path. I want to appreciate the moments we have and not dwell on the moments we don't have. We are going on 30 real soon. We are finishing the young chapter in our life and moving on to the mid chapter. instead of it being friends and family.. it needs to be family and friends. There will always be the few friends that are family. The few that even with a different path will still go out of their way to take a pit stop on your path, those are the friends that are family. I think I just need to appreciate how people love me instead of wondering why they don't love me they way I love them. Allow for room to grow and change. I have no idea if any of that makes sense but.. that was as good as I could explain.
Set Goals
these being goals with a dead line. Goals that explain their self
  • read a book a month. that is only 12 books, but along with school and a 5 year old.. I don't feel as though I have time to read more books than that. If I do, then awesome!!
  • lose 20 pounds by May. simply put, I have a pool.. if I want other people to enjoy the pool with me, I must lose the 20 pounds.. SO, if you want to enjoy my pool with me, help me lose 20 pounds please! Don't bring that ice cream over to my house when we do dinner.. Don't let me drink the beer. 
  • blog my cooking. I have been slacking in the cooking blog. I want to start back. I love having my food pictures and recipes at my finger tips for myself to brag on. 
  • water. make water my best friend. I don't drink a lot of soda and it isn't often that I drink tea. but as of now.. this very moment.. I will not drink ANY tea or soda. This is until I lose the 20 pounds. This includes rum and coke.. no soda, no matter what. 
  • cut Mady's hair by summer. Oh golly. This is a hard one. I want to cut it so bad. As of today, and yesterday, and the day before.. I am all about it. I know though, the moment she wears it down and it is so pretty, I wont want to do it. I am going to though. I want to do it now. TODAY, but we will see. Just by summer.. that is the goal
    • each month I want to challenge myself in something. This month's post is coming up next! 
Alright, now that you have read that entirely to long post about my goals/dreams/plans. I hope you have made some goals and decisions about your life!


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