Friday, September 21, 2012

So she says



You may have already heard this {facebook} but I just wanted to put it on here so I could always remember it:

Mady was telling me about her friend getting hurt. I had it narrowed down to two boys in her class. When I asked her if he was black or white she looked at me weird and said "what do you mean?" I said again is he black or white. She looked at me confused and said "I don't really know what you mean by that" (amazing that a child looks at a person as an equal but an educated, smart, adult does not. it’s sad really.. just think, if the human race {adults} had the pureness and honesty of a child this world would be so much happier)


So, I have been slightly stressed. well not today, but last week with getting out house on the market, the stress did come for about 2/3 days. One afternoon I had been on edge and I told Mady that. I told her I was aggregated with house stuff and not her. I was happy with her. I told her that multiple times. While laying in bed she says:


Mom, I love you
me: I love you too
M: I love you the most when you are mean to me
although this is a bummer moment.. it made me smile and that is what I needed on that stressful day. I shall add this though: I was not mean to her, I was mom to her. She takes it as hurting her feelings or me being mean when I tell her to do something in a “mean” voice because I have asked her to multiple times before. She takes it mean when I am preoccupied with other things (important or not) instead of giving her the time and attention she demands right at that second. I am sure I was not the coolest most fun mom that day but mean.. no no


I do not remember word for word the next convo but pretty much.. she said it would be bad if she had to get in trouble with Dad. I asked her who she would rather get in trouble with.. me or Dad.. she said me. I asked her why.. she said “because your mom and.. stuff” she wouldn’t tell me what that stuff meant but the conversation pretty much meant.. you are mom, I can get away with more, I can walk all over you if I choose, I know how to get out of trouble with you, you are weak.. ok.. maybe not the you are weak part but the other stuff was implied by her tiny little 5 year old words. Hummm .. The truth comes out! I guess that is what being a mom instead of being a dad is about.



Chica has been learning ALL KIND OF THINGS at school. I actually have been amazed. Not really school related stuff because, well, she already knows it all. BUT, bible stuff and everyday things.. she is full of new knowledge! She was telling me we should not kill bugs because God is good and God made bugs for us.

me: what about bugs that bite or sting?
M: you still shouldn’t kill them.
me: what about flies that I kill  {I hate flies and have all out wars with them in my house}
M: you still shouldn’t kill them
me: well they shouldn’t come in my house to be killed
M: well YOOUU should close the door sooner!! {in a smart moving her head side to side attitude kind of way.. like she knows best or something!?!}



While studying for my finals, chica told me she was going to doodle. Then she brings me a stack of about 15 pages of her doodles. This is one of them. My favorite! Notice the tail. It is now framed in my hallway along with the “monster getting a pumpkin” picture!


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