Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Tomorrow will be the official 2 week point from when I started my crash diet. I actually did do 7 straight days no breaking the rules within the 2 week point. Let me start off on a positive note.. I am impressed! Impressed with how well I have done, impressed with how well it has worked, impressed with how easy it is in most situations.. 

Now, time to get honest!

Friday April 1st:  I did GREAT. First day was a total success eating every 3 hours from 8:00 on. East 5 meals at 200 or less calories and all other (fat/sodium/carbs) on track! Wrote down everything I ate and the nutrition info!
Saturday April 2nd: Great success with everything above
Sunday April 3rd: FAIL.. I had a baby shower to go to and they had some finger foods. Finger food my fingers should have never touched. They also had a cider I drank. Then for dinner I had pizza. I had not had pizza since 2010.. I wrote it down though and the numbers killed me! I hated it.. then I realized I actually had 2 pieces so the number were doubled.. UGH. I will NEVER eat pizza again.. EVER! I learned though
Monday April 4th: Great success (I am finding it is much easier to stay on track when I work. I set my alarm for ever 3 hours. I eat at my desk the prepacked snacks and lunches that I made and write it down
Tuesday April 5th: Did ok. I went to greenlife and got my drink stuff. While there I had lunch. A pasta, asparagus thing. Not sure what the nutrition facts are on it. But other than lunch I did great!
Wednesday April 6th: GREAT
Thursday April 7th: PERFECT
Friday April 8th: PERFECT
Saturday April 9th: I did ok. I did perfect up until dinner. I splurged and got Moe's. I did have a whole grain tortilla and did not put the yummy queso cheese on it. It was good and after looking up the nutrition it was fine. NOTHING like the pizza
Sunday April 10th: Great success
Monday April 11th: GREAT. I started feeling sick this morning and my throat was killing me. I made myself eat and drink like I was supposed to though. Dinner all didn't do so well. All I wanted was Panera Soup.
Tuesday April 12th: FAIL. Not hungry.. sick.. Ate a small salad (perfect nutrtion) but that is all I had. Just 1 meal and an orange for snack.
Wednesday April 13th: That is today so as of now I am doing ok.. well honestly I have not ate anything but I am going to get off here and go eat. I just don't feel good. If I can at least get 8 glasses of water down that will be good..

So that has been my two weeks. I did not workout any because I wanted to see if eating all day and drinking water really helps you loose weight. I DOES! In 2 weeks I have lost around 8 lbs. CRAZY. My working out was supposed to start yesterday but being sick.. it didn't happen. I am going to do some arms today but no cardio. Who wants to run when their head is pounding and they can not breath. Not Me!!

Also, I am going to start cooking again next week for my family. I slipped on that this past week. It is hard to cook for them and for me. Going to the store later tonight though so crock pot and I will be on good terms starting tomorrow!

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