Thursday, November 4, 2010

The things I NEVER want to forget!!

So I think that I have the most silly, creative, mind wondering little girl. The things she says make me laugh so hard. They also make me think.. humm, where did you learn that or come up with that. The things she thinks of blow my mind. I have a notebook started of these things because after realizing that I don't remember these things from a year ago.. I should write them down to remember them. I will continue to add to this list as she gets older and will post from current to last. I will try to date them at least with her age or month. I will add from my book when I get the time, but these are the things that are on my mind right now that she said. This is mainly for me but for you to Enjoy also.. I know I do..

February 10th 2011-
When Mady goes to bed, she usually has Zak lay with her. Latley she has not wanted whoever is laying with her to leave.. Cute convo between Mady and Daddy

M- Don't go
Z- I have to but ill see you tomorrow
M- you dont have to work
Z- I do but ill see you when i get home
M- well what about before work
Z- do you want me to come in and see you before i leave
M- yea
Z- ok ill come see you before i leave
M- but where will you be
Z- ill be here
M- but where will you be before you come see me
Z- well ill wake up and come in here and see you
M- but if you forget then you wont go to work
Z- ill still have to go to work
M- but if your forget then ill come lay with you
Z- i wont forget to wake up but ill come see you
M- but ill let you forget
Z- :) i love you mady good night
M- please forget daddy
Z- good night mady i love you
M- but please forget becuase i love to lay with you, i love your bed, it is so soft.

February 7th 2011-
She has a few words that she says now. In almost every sentence...
and the newest is
syea.. syea, never heard it from any one before but she says it

it is as if she is about to be 13 instead of 4.
syea, like tottally soooo..
December 2010-
As Madyson is taking off her shirt to put on pj's
Mady: UUGGHH I can't do it. I can't take off my shirt
Daddy: Yes you can, instead of saying you can't you should say, I am having a hard time taking off my shirt
Mady: I could say that but I didn't

We laughed so hard.. she is toooo smart for her own good!
December 3rd 2010-
We have an Elf that visits us every December.. more on this later and pictures of him as well. First off we have to put out crackers and water since that is what Elf's love to eat and drink. This was to welcome the Elf and show that we want him to come and stay for December. It took a few days for the Elf to come but then he did and my Chica said this:

Mady: Mommy, that elf is pretend.. we have to look for the real elf

Me: Well he is magic. At night he gets into things but during the day he is a stuffed animal. This is the elf we were looking for.
Mady: He won't come into my room while I sleep right?
Me: No, he wont go into your room at night.

A little while later, after hugging and playing with the elf all day...
Mady: Umm, Mommy.. I am having a hard time figuring Mr. Elf out
Me: What do you mean?
Mady: If he is real or pretend. He must be pretend becuase his nose is glued on

My child is so literal..  :)
November 13th 2010

She takes these bingbag ottoman things and stacks them up. She climbs on them and says: I'm mountain of the king!!
November 10 2010-
After picking her up from preschool
Me: Tell me the coolest thing that happened at preschool today
Mady: Well, Matthew didn't hit me today
Matthew is a boy in her class..What do you say to that.. Well I said
Me: Oh, well that is pretty cool huh....
Really.. my child!!
November 9th 2010-
Me: So Mady, what do you want to do for your playdate wit Pax?
Mady: Go to Kissten's house
Me: Out of everything you can do, you want to go to her house?
Mady: Yes
Me: Why?
Mady: Cause she has better toys
November 8th 2010-
Driving home I hear her talking the the back seat
Mady: mumble jumble
I turn around to her
Me: What did you say?
Mady: (with a look like how dare you) I'm taallkingg to myself!


November 2 2010-
Me: So Mady, what did you and Daddy do last night?
Mady: We went to walmart
Me: You did.. what did you get?
Mady: We got you socks.. and daddy socks.. and daddy pants
Me: You got daddy pants at walmart.. really?
So she squats down a little pointing at her thighs
Mady: We got him dos little pant thingabobs
Me: OH, You got him boxers
Mady: Yea, boxers


October 2010-
I crawl into her bed.. yes her small toddler bed.. to snuggle one morning and had a wonderful little convo with her..
Me: Do you love me
Mady: Yes.. I love you Mommy
Me: Do you want a different Mommy or me?
Mady: I want you
Then her little eyes look up and she thinks.. she thinks real hard
Mady: But Mommy... I never been to a mommy store


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