Tuesday, October 16, 2012

“Real” best friend


Mady is doing wonderful in school. In face she got her progress report today. (The first one she has even got) I am proud to say that she has a S+ for listening and not talking while others talk.. Considering she doesn’t talk much (except to a select few of us) I had nothing to doubt BUT I always got letters worse than S for that category. It was not a surprise for me to bring home a N or a U .. I am just happy to see her not following in her mother’s footsteps. Anyways.. like I said.. she is doing wonderful is school. Like most Moms, I love to hear about her day. What the letter of the week is, what bible story they learned, did they sing any songs.. and so on.. My favorite thing to hear about is her “best friend”

I wish more than anything I could be a fly on the wall while she is with her best friend. E just happen to be in her dance class as well as her school class. From day one, they have hit it off. Both girls being shy, quite, great listeners, follow directions perfectly, and all the other good things that every mom wishes and hopes their child to be in school. I am happy she found a friend that is just like her and they can be “good” girls together.

Anyways.. they have such adult conversations though. I just wish I could listen in. Like when Mady missed dance class E said she missed her and where was she. Then Mady told her she was taking a break from dance for a while. E told her that her mom was a nurse, then asked chica what I did. Chica said I went to school. Tonight I was told about a girl club they have. Not only do they have a password (that happens to be their names and some other random names) but they have a handshake. Chica tells me.. (with a giggle) The other girls.. Maddie and Sydney don’t understand it but we get it. Then she showed me the handshake. Is my child really old enough to have a friendship with a secret handshake? Goodness, she was two just yesterday. She has formed she a wonderful bond with E.. IF I decide to switch her schools next year it will be one of the hardest things to do. I know she will make other friends, I know she will be fine, but do pull my sweet 5 year old away from her sweet 5 year old friend.. it will break my heart..

So yea, she is growing up. Bringing home progress reports, making up secret handshakes, doing all that stuff that big kids do. :::tear:::

If you have a little one, hug them a little closer tonight.. play just 10 extra minutes in the morning.. before you know it, your little one will have a “real” best friend soon.

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