Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kisses from a 3 year old

I have been meaning to share my thought about something for a few days now.. Of course I should have done it the day I thought about it because now I do not remember everything I want to say..

We (Zak and I) were laying with my little chica the other night at bedtime. She asked us both to lay with her at the same time. I told her we would but it was not play time. Of course the first thing she ask is if she can play quietly while we lay there.. OK.. that's fine.. So with Zak on one side of her, me on the other, chica plays with her princess barbies. I am listening and peeking out of my shut eyes. If she catches me watching her, she will not play. It is so interesting to me what she does when no one is watching. There are not many times I have the chance to pretend to not know what she is doing. The next thing I know she leans in and kisses me. Then she leans over and kisses her daddy on the cheek to. Smiling ear to ear. I still pretend I am not paying attention. The a few seconds later.. kiss on the cheek. Daddy gets his second one too..

What makes her kiss us. What does a kiss from a 3 year old mean. I know why I kiss her all the time. She is so cute, she makes me laugh, to make her boo'boo's feel better, she is so cute, I love her, her cheek just looks like it needs a kiss, she is so cute, to make her laugh, and again... she is sooooo cute! But why does she kiss us. How does a 3 year old know when or why to give kisses. I look at her and just have to kiss her. I can not help it. A feeling from the inside just makes me. What possess a little girl who has only been alive 3 years to actually give kisses with a smile on her face. Does she do it because I am so cute? I don't think that is why. Is it because she wants me to laugh.. well in some cases I would say so. Not this night though. We were just laying there. quite. still. asleep(ish). 

Maybe it is to say thank you.. Thank you for laying with me. Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for thinking I am so cute. Thank you for telling me every second of every day that I am so cute and that you love me. Maybe it is because she wants to make me smile. Maybe to make me feel better. I think it is just pure love. A deep, true, unpressured, just because, true, pure LOVE. It is amazing that she feels that same feeling deep within. That feeling of I just have to kiss them.

Whatever the reason is, I love it. I never want her to stop. Those kisses on the cheek mean everything to me. She wouldn't have to say one word the rest of her life as long as I got those big lip kisses!

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