Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hello there blog..

I just so happened to take a look at my blog and Wowzers.. My last post was in April? I have no idea what to say about that. Well, other than a ton of things have been going on since then. So I guess I will write in correspondence with the last post just to get the update going...

She is now a spunky, smart, funny, beautiful, 6 YEAR OLD Kindergartener. My chica had a birthday this month and she is so far away from a baby now. She just keeps getting older.. I don't understand why this is though. Why do they grow? and so fast? Can't we choose when we want them to grow? Like I said, she is 6 years old. I will have a post about that coming soon. 

Funny thing that is. We did redo her room back in April but as of July, we re-did it again. Read about it and see pictures here. It is just lovely and everything I wanted for her. It honestly looks just like a little girls room. 

Well, pretty much the entire summer was spent in the pool. Chica can now swim without floaties, jump off the diving board, go down the slide, and is almost swimming under water. She can't figure out how to get her booty down. It has been wonderful. Definitely everything I hoped for. It's my favorite part of my house. even when the weeds make it look like a jungle. And yes people, Murfy loves to swim. Here is a pool post with tons of pictures.

Last quarter was great, all A's. This quarter is filled with Dental Review, Career Management, and Comp 2. We have 5 weeks left and then I am off to externs. I have been placed for externs and couldn't be more excited or happy with the office I will be at for general. Lets just pray that I have the confidence to do amazing. 
Chica's school is awesome. It sure is one impressive school. Tomorrow marks two full weeks. She fit right in, there were no tears or nerves on the first day, she has embraced it already, I love her teachers, eating in the cafeteria is a new experience (along with library..woodshop..spanish class..nap time..) Did I mention that she starts Kindergarten Yoga on the 9th. Mmm humm, you read right.. I said yoga. That is her after school activity. Oh yes, my kid is that cool kid. Pretty much: KINDERGARTEN ROCKS. The things she already comes home talking about just confirms she is at the right school. I will do a school post as well. (multiple school post.. I promise)

My health is going good. Blood pressure is still here and there but I have more good readings than bad readings. I have had a head ache for a little over a week now. That could be due to the fact that the weather is changing. My allergies are acting up so that could be part of the problem. Other than that, I am good to go. I thought my ulcer was back but then a fe days later I was fine. Thank goodness

spring has come and gone and summer is on it's way out now as well. Summer- plenty of sunshine. Suprisingly we did not have a super hot summer. I hope that doesnt mean out winter is going to be really cold. Chica did 3 weeks of summer camp. One week was water week, another was eco art, and she did nature week. I miss her preschool. If only they had kindergarden. We did go to the beach. The husband couldn't make it but it was nice just chica, sister, and myself. We also have a couple days with Mom and B so that was nice as well. I always love seeing my grandparents and aunt/uncle. 

So there is the short update. 

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