Friday, May 18, 2012

So she says

This is a quick one but I just didn't want to forget what she said

Me: Mady, please put your shoe in the cubby with the other shoe

Mady: but I want to wear them

Me: you can wear them tomorrow

Mady: I can?? Really?? Oh bless my heart.

Bahaha. She is adorable.



I have been such a slacker with my post the past month or so. It isn’t that I don’t have anything to share, I have TONS of things to share {in my not so exciting life}.. I just have not taken the time to walk to my computer, sit in the chair, pull up life writer, and type

so here is some updates:

  • we celebrated Bobs birthday
  • Mothers day was great
  • we went to the indoor/outdoor water park for the weekend (again)
  • School is getting harder
  • Mady’s last day of preschool is TODAY (right now as I type, that is where she is at)
  • I can’t believe she will be in PreK 4 next year (yes, we did decide to wait one more year to send her to kindergarten.. she will turn 5 two days before school starts.. so this means she will be 6 when she starts kindergarten, but I feel very at peace with this decision)
  • I have been cooking
  • I signed up for my first 5K (got tickets 2 days ago, the run is in October)
  • Hawaii is in 50 days (or so)
  • Speaking of 50, my mom turns 50 this year! actually this month!!
  • I have stopped taking pictures with my camera and I now use my iphone.. this has to change though because I miss pretty pictures..

Life really just seems busy, maybe it is because I have school 4 days a week with homework homework homework.. I am not sure why but the past few months just seems like I run out of time to clean, blog, take pictures, play outside, and all the other fun stuff I enjoy..

since I mentioned cleaning, I think I shall say goodbye to the post and clean the house. Pictures are uploading from my iphone so I will be back with fun stuff at some point {today I hope}

Sunday, May 13, 2012

No longer

I just want to let everyone know. I no longer am wanting a baby or a puppy. It was a 2 week thing only. I didn't want either before those 2 weeks and I don't want either now.

Thank goodness I didn't just go buy a puppy and get pregnant. I think I'll just be happy with what I have and not want what I don't have. Seems a lot smarter.

So she says

First let me start off by saying today (Mothers Day) has been wonderful. Details of the day will come soon but I had to tell you what my Chica said today.

I am sitting at the computer and my sister is sitting on the futon. I am trying to write my mom her mothers day cars when Zak and Mady come in the room. I tell them they have to leave. I am trying to think. They stand there and I say. Y'all got to go. I can't think with you chewing in my ear and Mady talking to me. They walk out of the room. Them I hear Zak say "Madyson Jade, we do not say things like that. Go to time out". She goes to timeout. No tears. But I wanted to know what she said. Zak came in the room and I asked what she said. This is what my sweet 4 1/2 year old said on Mothers day.

She's being a butt


Zak said she covered her mouth right after she said it. I was and still am in disbelief. Where would she learn that at? Who would say that?

I laughed so hard though. It makes me laugh just thinking about it. Yea it was unacceptable. Yes she should and would go to timeout for saying that again. No I didn't let her hear me laugh. She was in the next room so my lighter was silent but I had tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard silently. Omg. My child. Geeeez.

I think she may be going through a faze of saying things without thinking. This morning she said. I love you mommy. I love daddy more than you though. Then she covered her mouth. She then says. I shouldn't have said that. Especially on Mothers Day.

Bahaha. I do wait till she leaves or I turn around when she said things but I can't not help but laugh. When she is silly, serious, mean, confused, and even disrespectful it just makes me giggle. I don't allow the mean and disrespectful stuff. She doesn't see me laugh (for the most part. At least I hope she doesn't) but I just can't help it. It is so funny and always catches me by surprise.

Kids really Do say the darnedest things